Tuesday, December 31, 2019



If you suffer from nail fungus there are some natural ways that you can treat your nails in order to get rid of it. One option is to use tea tree oil and orange oil.

To make this mixture you will need the following:

■ A teaspoon of tea tree oil

■ Half a teaspoon of orange oil

■ Half a teaspoon of olive oil or grapeseed oil

■ Cotton balls

Mix all of the ingredients together and then soak a cotton ball in the mixture. Apply the cotton ball directly to the nail that is infected. Let all of the oil seep out and then let the nail dry naturally.

An alternative is to place four or five drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of water that is big enough to soak your feet in. Let your feet soak for fifteen to 20 minutes.

You should perform these treatments in the mornings and in the evenings.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Another option for naturally getting rid of nail fungus is to create a vinegar and baking soda soak.

To make this soak you will need:

■ 5 tablespoons of baking soda

■ A cup of vinegar (white or apple cider)

■ Water

■ Bowl to soak your feet in

First, mix the vinegar with enough water to soak your feet with. Place your feet in the bowl for 15 minutes. Pat your feet dry and then add baking soda to the mixture. Place your feet back in the bowl for another 15 minutes.

The vinegar will help to kill the fungus and the baking soda will keep more fungus from growing.

Another natural remedy for nail fungus is coconut oil. Simply rub coconut oil on your nails twice each day. This can help get rid of the fungus and keep it from growing back. In addition it will help to soften your feet and hands.


The Amish people are well known for their strict way of life where modern technology and medicine weren’t included. They used to live in harmony with the nature and they were preparing only natural remedies to treat many diseases.

Among many, one of the most powerful traditional preparations is the famous Amish recipe that can cure many diseases and it can strengthen your immune system at the same time.

We are talking about a recipe which will help you reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It is easy to make, and it is made from readily available ingredients. All you need to do is to use it for 7 days.

Ingredients:The cure for hypertension and high cholesterol:

  • Grated ginger (1 piece)
  • 1 clove garlic (grated)
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Put all ingredients in blender and mix for 30 seconds at high speed. Then, strain the liquid mixture and refrigerate for 5 days.

Consume this medicine twice a day. Take one tablespoon in the morning, before breakfast on an empty stomach, and one before dinner. In just 3 days, you will see the first results and you will be amazed! You will feel fresh and full of energy, and at the same time you will reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol!

Natural Ways to Put an End to Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags and Age Spots

We all can have certain skin issues, like moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts. They are all caused by some hormonal imbalance or changes in your lifestyle.

Undoubtedly, there are numerous different skin and beauty care products which are intended to solve these issues and make your skin clear and glowing.

However, only a few of them are really effective.

Therefore, in order to avoid harmful chemicals and use natural products, you should do some simple and easy natural homemade remedies that can provide fantastic results. They can improve the appearance of your skin and get rid of all skin issues.

In order to have a healthy and clear skin, you should try the following excellent natural remedies for common skin problems:

Moles are common skin issue which can appear at any time in life in both, children and adults. They are actually close groupings of skin pigmentation cells called melanocytes, and come as a result of sun exposure or genetics.

The garlic extract or just plain garlic can be extremely effective in eliminating moles. Before you apply it, protect the skin around the mole with masking tape or petroleum jelly. Then, apply the garlic extract or pressed garlic to the mole, cover the area with a bandage and leave it thus for four hours. This procedure should be repeated every day.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
You can also use the mixture of castor oil and baking soda for the same cause. Mix the castor oil and baking soda into a gummy paste, and apply the paste on the mole. Then, cover the area with a bandage and leave it thus overnight. The next morning, remove the bandage and rinse the area. Repeat the procedure every night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is excellent in removing moles. Soak a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar, and apply it on the mole. Secure it with a bandage or medical tape and leave it to act for eight hours. Over time, the mole will blacken and fall off.

warts are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV, and are manifested by small bumps on the skin or mucous membranes. In most cases, warts are treated with salicylic acid or freezing. Some people even wrap them in duct tape. Nevertheless, you must try the following solutions:

This is the easiest way to eliminate warts. You need to rub the wart every night with a banana peel. Repeat the procedure for two weeks and the wart will disappear.

Pure Raw Honey
Warts can be successfully removed with the use of honey. The procedure is very simple: rub honey on the wart at night and wrap it with a bandage. In this way, you will successfully remove it and in some cases, warts eliminated in this way never return.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial in this case as well. You need to apply it at night. Soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and secure it with a bandage. Leave it thus overnight, or for 24 hours. Then, replace it with a new one. The wart will slowly shrivel up and vanish.

If you use crushed garlic or garlic juice, you can remove a wart in two weeks. Every night, rub crushed garlic on the wart and put a bandage over it. Moreover, apply garlic juice to the wart two times a day.

Skin Tags
These are skin growths that stick out from the skin surface, and usually appear around the neck, upper chest, underarms and eyelids. In most cases, they appear as a result of skin rubbing against skin. They are commonly eliminated by tying off, cutting off, and freezing. However, the following natural remedies can provide fantastic effects:

Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and squeeze it to remove any excess. Dab the skin tag with the apple cider vinegar, and leave it on the place for as long as you want. In several days, the skin tag will darken and fall off by itself.

Tea Tree Oil
Soak a cotton ball with water and add a couple drops of tea tree oil. Dab the cotton ball on the skin tag and cover with a bandage. You repeat this process two to three times a day for a month. Even though it needs some time, this method is the safest for the skin tags around the eyes.

Baking Soda and Castor Oil
This mixture can effectively eliminate skin tags. Mix the ingredients in order to get a paste and apply it to the skin tag, securing it cover a bandage. The paste can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours. Practice this method two to three times a day.

Dark Spots
Age spots or dark spots are discolored patches on the skin on the face, hands and forearms. Although their cause is still not clear, many doctors believe that they occur as a result of sun exposure and an aging liver. These are the best natural remedies for dark spots:

Lemon is an excellent dark spot remover, as it acts as a natural bleacher. All you need to do is to soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it on the dark spot twice a day.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is another effective remedy against dark spots. Put fresh aloe on the dark spot and leave it on for 30 minutes. Use the inner gel of the fresh aloe plant, which may be grown as a house plant.

Onion is another remarkable ingredient that can provide great results in this case. Simply juice or blend the onion and apply it to the dark spot. Leave it thus for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off. You should repeat this procedure daily until the dark spot vanishes.

It is also great when it comes to removing dark spots. You need to mix it with vinegar and apply the combination to the dark spot daily. The dark spot will slowly fade away.

Vitamin C Serums
Hand- crafted, organic, chemical- free vitamin C serums can do wonders for your skin! They contain topically active vitamin C and can eliminate dark spots quickly. Moreover, they will repair the damaged skin.

Clearing Out Clogged Pores
Clogged pores are usually caused by oil buildup on the skin, which can make the skin look bumpy. Even though it is not a serious skin condition, they destroy the smooth appearance of the skin and need to be removed. Also, if you do not clean clogged pores in time, they may become infected.

Sugar Scrub
Exfoliating is another great way to unclog your pores and restore the healthy shine of your skin. Make a paste with sugar and lemon. Then, rub it with an organic cotton washcloth on the area with clogged pores in a circular motion. When you are done scrubbing, wash your face and rinse it with warm water.

Steaming is undoubtedly one of the best and most effective ways to unclog pores. Initially, wash your face. Then, place your face over a pot with boiled water. Cover your head with a towel, in order to be exposed to as much steam as possible. Remain thus for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterward, wash your face and rinse it a few times with warm water. Finally, apply some vinegar to clean up any extra debris.

This 2-Minute Detox Drink Helps You Burn Fat, Lower Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure

Illnesses. Sometimes they’re easy to cure, other times not so much.

That being said, having to deal with several health problems at the same time can be quite a challenge. But it’s doable.

The following detox drink can cleanse and rid the body of toxins. It naturally helps you heal by speeding up your metabolism, burning extra fat, lowering blood pressure and most importantly, fighting diabetes.

If you think that it is too good to be true, then try it out yourself and experience the positive results.

Recipe for an Incredible Detox Drink:


  • Cinnamon- 1 teaspoon
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- 2 tablespoons
  • Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice- 2 tablespoons
  • Raw Honey- 1 tablespoon
  • 12 to 16 oz or one glass of water

Preparation and Consumption Method:

Simply add all the ingredients together in a blender and mix them well. Drink the mixture first thing in the morning before having breakfast. Since it takes approximately only 2 minutes to prepare, do not store the drink. Instead, make one each day after waking up for best results. Drink this for at least 3 months or longer.

Now Here’s What’s in it.

Cinnamon is an excellent spice which is well-known for maintaining glucose level and improving insulin sensitivity in type II diabetic patients as stated in a study published in the ‘Proceedings of the Nutrition Society’ journal. It was found that after taking the Cr supplementation (a compound present in cinnamon); glucose, insulin, cholesterol and HbA1c levels were all improved in subjects with type II diabetes.

Apple Cider Vinegar can lower blood pressure when consumed daily as it contains acetic acid – a compound known to decrease blood pressure or hypertension. The antihypertensive effects of acetic acid and vinegar were proven in a study published in ‘Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry’ journal in which the spontaneously hypertensive rats showed significant decrease in blood pressure and rennin activity when given acetic acid or vinegar.

Lemon Juice is a good source of flavonoids which are known for their antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is the most abundant antioxidant in lemon. Since it contains antioxidants, lemon juice helps fight free radicals in the body, thus strengthening our immune system. The antioxidant properties of lemons are supported in this study which showed that the lemon flavonoids suppressed oxidative stress in diabetic rats.

Honey offers numerous benefits to our body due to the presence of a variety of nutrients from enzymes, minerals and vitamins to polyphenols. This was supported by an article published in the ‘Journal of the American College of Nutrition’. In short, honey contains many health components that favor good health.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Drink This Alkaline Water To Fight Digestive Problems, Muscle Cramps, Fatigue, and Even Cancer!

Drink this Alkaline Water and fight many health problems!

You have actually probably become aware of the alkaline diet. Particularly, the foods you take in can have an alkaline or acidic result on your body after they are metabolized. In addition, acidosis is set off by the acid-forming foods you consume daily, the tension you experience, and lots of environmental contaminants you can be found in contact with.

In fact, if your body is too acidic, you are at a higher danger of gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, weight gain, and more. This suggests that in case the environment in your body is too acidic for an extended period of time, your regular cells may end up being poisonous and even malignant.

Alkaline Water Benefits!

Alkalinity Plays a Crucial Role in Preserving Great General Health. The pH scale, in fact, ranges from 0-14 (14 is one of the most alkaline, 0 is the most acidic, and 7 is neutral.

The body needs a slightly alkaline environment of 7.4 for ideal health. But, various systems and organs thrive at different pH levels. Particularly, the skin has a pH of 5, and the saliva has a pH of 6.5-7.0.

In addition, the gastrointestinal tract has a pH that varies from 1.5 to 7.0. It typically depends on various aspects, particularly the food you take in.

Furthermore, The Nobel Reward in Physiology or Medication 1931 was actually granted to Dr. Otto Warburg for his discovery that about 90-95% of all kinds of cancer are set off by an acidic environment. He also discovered that cancer can’t survive or grow in a body that is alkaline (if the pH is about 7.36).

As a result of this, researchers have actually evaluated various pH levels of drinks and foods and their impact on the body.

Acidosis or over-acidity has been related to the advancement of osteoporosis, diabetes, heart problem, cancer, and any other chronic disease.

Here Is How to Discover if Your Body Is Too Acidic:

You can, in fact, use regular pH paper to do a saliva test in order to discover if your body is too acidic. However, your body may likewise be too acidic in case you experience these symptoms:

Chronic fatigue
Failure to get sufficient air
Quickly running out of breath
Muscle cramps and discomfort after strolling brief distances

In case your pH level drops, then your body aims to develop homeostasis or keep optimal pH balance by accumulating the extremely acidic compounds in certain body organs like your liver, kidneys, and lungs. This assists your body to maintain an optimal pH of 7.35-7.45.

Ultimately, these highly acidic substances can begin assaulting your typical cells. Furthermore, your healthy cells end up being damaged, harmful, and ill.

If you do not address this problem, with time these cells might metastasize, i.e., grow frantically as well as infected other body organs and parts.

Here Is Ways to Battle Acidosis and Improve Your Overall Health:

Your diet plan may be one of the significant culprits of chronic acidosis since it probably includes processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. In addition, the development of hormonal agents, additives, and pesticides added to the food can be too acidic to your body.

Not only you need to make some specific modifications in your diet plan, however, you need to also take in alkaline water in order to battle acidosis. This alkaline water can supply your body with what it has to produce homeostasis and prevent illness.

Do It Yourself Alkaline Water Recipe

Required Ingredients:

1 big glass jar (You ought to use a glass container considering that plastic might possess impurities and chemicals, which are acidic to your body.).
1 tablespoon. of Himalayan salt (You can discover it at an organic food shop).
2l of cleansed water (You must utilize water that is not packed with additives and chemicals.).
1 lemon (Make sure you use organic lemons since they are not packed with pesticides and toxins).

Directions: Put the water into the container. Next, wash the lemon thoroughly and after that slice it. Add the lemon without getting rid of the peel. Later on, include the Himalayan salt then cover the jar. Allow it to sit at space temperature level for approximately 24 Hr. Then, you ought to consume 3 glasses of this beverage before your breakfast.

You can likewise consume it during the day. Eventually, you will discover a fantastic distinction in the method you feel, which implies this alkaline water will increase your energy. That’s not all, your brain will end up being more alert as well as your skin clearer.

As pointed out above, you ought to make some dietary changes (prevent consuming sugar, processed foods, alcohol, sugar, and so on) and consume this alkaline water frequently in order to combat acidosis and improve your total health and well-being.

These Nine Things Happen To Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs a Day. I’d Have Never Believed No. 3.

There is a belief among individuals that consuming eggs every day increases the amount of cholesterol. Also, nutritionists don’t suggest them in case you have actually chosen to lose some weight. Still, according to numerous research studies, the best breakfast should include an egg in any kind, whether it is boiled or in an omelet.

Today, we’re here to present you numerous advantages that eating 2 or 3 eggs every day can trigger. You Won’t believe it?

These 9 Things Happen To Your Body When You Eat 2 Eggs a Day!

Well, here are the facts about that:

1. You reduce the risk of any heart disease to appear.

400 mg of cholesterol is present in one hen’s egg. That’s pretty high. High cholesterol is extremely dangerous as it gives a higher possibility to obtain any cardiovascular problem or cardiac arrest. Eggs cannot increase the level of cholesterol.

When we take in greater levels of cholesterol, our body begins decreasing the process when cholesterol is produced. 1/3 of the cholesterol that can be discovered inside the blood vessels is from our nutrition, however, the best part is created by our own body.

A study from the Biomedical Proving ground in Baton Rouge, Louisiana had actually a research performed on 152 overweight topics. They divided the individuals into three groups.

Group number 1 consumed what they desired for breakfast; group number 2 was offered 2 eggs and group number 3 had bagels for breakfast.

Inning accordance with the outcomes which were shocking, the group that took 2 eggs managed to lose 35% more of their belly fat and practically 65% more of their weight than individuals in the group which consumed bagels with no difference in their levels of cholesterol!

Eggs likewise include a high quantity of omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce the levels of triglyceride in the blood. Increased triglyceride values can also provoke a greater danger of cardiovascular issues, so if you take in more eggs, you’ll reduce the danger of obtaining these health problems.

2. You lack folic acid and have a smaller sized threat of any birth defect.

One egg has lots of vitamin B9. It is in fact 0.7 mcg (micrograms). This vitamin is also called folic acid. If you lack folic acid throughout pregnancy, you might really damage your central nervous system of the coming child, but also its brain and spine could be warped. Consuming eggs will supply the sufficient amount of folic acid for you.

3. The aging process is ending up being decreased.

According to a study by Charité which is a medical center located in Berlin, taking in some free-range eggs can assist you with skin cancer and decrease the procedure of aging. Scientist Professor Jürgen Lademann and Dr. Karoline Hesterberg managed to show that the eggs from free-range hens had plenty of increased levels of yellow organic pigments which are plentiful in carotenoids that are anti-oxidants.

These are specifically helpful for the aging procedure and slow it down. Our body cannot produce carotenoids by itself, so a good source for us to consume them is through food. They are extremely important due to the fact that they can capture complimentary radicals and make them be safe.

You need to prepare eggs correctly so that you can acquire their result of invigorating. Inning accordance with Professor Lademann, one cooked egg will use you carotenoids which are more valuable than a raw egg includes. That’s because when it heats up, certain chemicals alter in it.

4. The threat of cancer is reduced.

Inning accordance with a study by “Breast Cancer Research study”, the daily intake of eggs will minimize the danger of breast cancer to 18%, specifically in teenage girls.

Eggs include lots of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which connect to estrogen or otherwise called the female hormone. When the levels of estrogen in the body are increased, it is connected to breast cancer.

5. It’s good for your liver, hair, and skin.

Vitamin B12, protein and biotin are all an extremely important part of eggs. We need all of them in order to have glowing skin and healthy hair. Egg yolks contain sulfur and protein which are great in cases of vulnerable and dull hair.

Eggs are also abundant in lecithin and it is specifically helpful for digestive problems and assists you in the process of detoxification.

6. Your eyes will stay healthy.

Eggs can likewise help you have improved vision! They contain a lot of zeaxanthin, vitamin A, and lutein which are incredibly helpful for the eyesight.

Lutein and zeaxanthin ready due to the fact that they secure our eyes from the damage totally free radicals can do and are also important for daytime and color vision. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is essential for light and dark vision.

When the levels of zeaxanthin and lutein are decreased, they can cause a greater risk of eye tissue damage as well as some serious problems consisting of cataracts and macular degeneration.

7. Your process of weight-loss is much faster.

Proteins have a smaller glycemic index than carbs. Our blood sugar level increases from foods that have actually an increased glycemic index. The level of your blood sugar level ends up being increased and drops suddenly, makings you feel really starving.

Attempt to consume more foods with a small glycemic index. The glycemic index of eggs is 0. They’re outstanding for the procedure of weight loss. All of us require more energy so that we can digest proteins. On the contrary, we need less energy than for fats and carbohydrates.

8. You’ll have a healthy metabolic process and protected the brain.

Eggs are abundant in choline. It’s a type of nutrient that we need for various metabolic procedures in addition to the ones that include fats. Choline ends up being transformed into acetylcholine e.g. the neurotransmitter that we need to send stimuli to our brain as well as our nervous system.

It truly damages our memory and it can provoke premature birth in ladies who are pregnant. If you intake 2 eggs every day, you’ll get the appropriate amount of choline in order to have ideal health.

9. Your calcium levels are increased and your bones are healthy.

In order to have healthy teeth and bones, we require calcium and vitamin D. Inning accordance with a research study by the National Center for Biotechnology Info in Bethesda, Maryland when proteins and calcium are integrated they maintain healthy calcium levels, however likewise assist us to have healthy metabolic processes in the bones.

Eggs consist of a lot of vitamin D, too and it assists our body to take in that calcium in a more effective method.

We can conclude that eggs are really good for our health. Ensure you find eggs that originate from organic farms since the eggs that originate from caged hens are typically loaded with drug residues.

Still, there are people with specific illness that need to prevent eating 2 or 3 eggs every day. Those are individuals with heart issues and diabetics. They must take up to 3 eggs every week.

The Best Ways to Use Ginger to Lose Belly Fat and Weight

Ginger is a very spice and versatile root. It has lots of purposes and remarkable health benefits. It is really popular for its anti-inflammatory residential or commercial properties however it can also help you shed some pounds in a really reliable way. Aside from that, it can have a terrific impact on the part of the body that is more than likely the hardest to keep in shape, the belly.

A recent research study confirms an ancient belief that ginger can, in fact, help you slim down. Utilizing ginger can not just influence the weight reduction procedure but it can increase leptin in your body that is important for weight reduction. It can also introduce gingerols in your body that can stabilize the blood sugar levels among other things.

Use Ginger to Lose Belly Fat and Weight!

Taking it raw or in the form of supplements can increase the levels of the excellent cholesterol land decrease the bad cholesterol in the body and with that avoid artery accumulation and therefore secure the cardiovascular system and prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes.

Also, it can successfully aid in digestion and balance the intestinal tract flora which is important for the food processing in the system and metabolic rate.

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat and Weight with Ginger!?

You can take it raw and do that by chewing on a fresh ginger root before every meal. That will make you feel fuller and satisfied and stimulate the food digestion and improve the metabolic process.
 Also, take a small piece of ginger root and grind it and blend it with a bit of honey and lemon juice or just mix it in a shake. This will help food digestion and avoid yearnings.
A tea is always a good idea combined with lemon and honey.
Use spice in any kind in cooking and you can also consume it in any meals for additional benefits.

Note: Ginger can assist you to lose weight and bur more stubborn belly fat and also detox your body from different contaminants. It can minimize swelling, stress, and anxiety and treat many conditions including cancer.

Just Apply This On Hair Roots And Your Hair Growth Will Never Stop

Generally there are two types of hair problems, some people are suffering fro hair fall and for some of them hair fall is not a main problem but they have zero hair growth. Many people complain to me that there hair length is constant since a year, if you’re also one among them, this post is just for you

In this post I am going to share one super effective trick for super fast hair growth

Ingredients required

  • Castor oil
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Coconut oil


  1. In a bowl take 3 tsp of castor
  2. Add oil of 3 vitamin E capsules
  3. Add around 20 drops of rosemary essential oil in this
  4. Mix all of them and your magical remedy is ready to use
  5. Store this concoction in air tight dark glass bottle


Make sure that your scalp is clean and dry before application. In a clean bowl take 1 spoon of our concoction. Dilute it by adding 1 spoon of coconut oil. Mix them

Apply this oil on your hair roots. Massage your scalp gently for 10-15 minutes. Leave it overnight and wash your hair next day with mild shampoo and conditioner

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

World’s Best Extreme Hair Growth Remedy

Try this natural hair loss remedy! Many say that it really works and that it not only prevents hair loss but also stimulates the growth of new hair.

To make a drug that goes back to ancient times and is still called an ancient recipe, you only need 3 ingredients that you have in your kitchen. It is natural, homemade, and can be used by both men and women. With regular use the results will not be missing, you will see improvement.

For this remedy you will need:

  • Onion juice
  • Ginger juice
  • Olive oil

What to do:

In a clean bowl take 2 table spoons of onion juice

Add 2 table spoons of ginger juice

Add 2 table spoons of olive oil

Add last in this add oil of 1 vitamin E capsule

Mix and your magical remedy is ready

With help of cotton ball apply this lotion on your scalp and massage it for 5 minutes. Leave it for half an hour and then wash your hair with mild shampoo

It is recommended to prepare this remedy fresh always before application to take its maximum benefits.

15 Surprising beauty hacks you’ll wish you’d known about sooner

Who will give you a better advice for beautification than people who dedicate their whole life to the make-up and the care of women’s beauty?

Here are some tips from world renowned beauty experts:

Save these tips and read them many times.

Dark circles

The dark circles around the eyes, which sooner or later appear in each of us, make us look tired. To remove dark circles under the eyes, apply a mask of coconut oil and coffee grounds daily for a week.

Makeup remover

Use your moisturizing “cold cream” to remove makeup and clean ht efface before going to sleep.

Clean the nails

The nails need care similar to the teeth, and a toothpaste can help you in that. Wash your nails daily with a toothpaste so you have flashy and white nails.


If you are not ready to separate more money for skin smoothening, then try homemade treatment that can be equally effective against cellulite as well as the most expensive treatments available to you. Treat the affected areas with a combination of water, ground ginger, and a bit of clay.

Smooth legs

Make your homemade depilation strips by applying a mixture of sugar, caramel, and lemon juice on the legs. This will remove hairs and keep the skin smooth and soft.

Stronger nails

Soak the nails in a mixture of coconut oil, honey, and lavender oil to strengthen them.

Hair odor

Everybody happens because of a lack of time and a lot of obligations to not get to wash his hair.

To remove the bad smell from your hair spay a bit of perfume on the comb and comb the hair through.


Make a homemade facial mask from white flour and honey, leave it to act for 10 minutes, and rinse it. This will eliminate blackheads and leave the skin soft and clean.

Dark armpits

Grind a few potatoes and squeeze them through a cloth. Rub the juice on the armpits to lighten the skin.


Soak in a bath with some baking soda to soothe the discomfort and pain due to sunburns.

Thick eyelashes

We all want thick and cherished eyelashes, with this home-made recipe we can achieve this. Mix some castor oil, aloe Vera gel, and a vitamin E capsule, and apply this mixture to the eyelashes at bedtime. Apply this every night and in the morning they will look much thicker than before.

Rough skin on the heels

To soften the rough skin of the heels, apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, and baking soda.

Clean hair

To keep the hair clean and eliminate the oily look, just add a bit of sea salt to your shampoo and wash as usual.

White teeth

Rub the teeth with half a strawberry sprinkled with some baking soda a few times a week to make them white and shiny.

Fresh facial skin

Apply daily fresh Aloe Vera gel and your skin will be beautiful and fresh.

Saggy breasts

Rub the breasts with some Vaseline every night to lift them and boost the elasticity of the skin.

Lip Plumper

Dab a bit of peppermint oil onto the lips to plump them up and get a natural collagen effect.

Clean facial skin

To clean the skin on the face, combine some activated charcoal powder with a bit of gelatin and water, cook on low heat, and as soon as it cools down a bit, apply it on your face. Repeat on a daily basis.

Cover up stray grey hairs

To cover gray hair, apply a black or brown mascara.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

Our weight is frequently controlled through hormones which have an effect on how hungry we are or how an awful lot food we really want. Hormones which include insulin, ghrelin and leptin are in fee of our weight and our starvation, and any form of imbalance between them and other hormones as properly will affect your body’s ability to shed pounds.

If you’re not able to lose weight, it’s generally due to hormonal imbalance which may be without problems constant. Here are nine methods of solving your hormones and losing weight:

1. Insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced via the beta cells of the pancreas and has the function of neutralizing the extra glucose in our blood. It is produced throughout the day and in massive quantities after each meal.

Besides regulating the amount of blood sugar in our body, this hormone additionally assists with the storage of fats and stops the stored fat from being damaged down.

In cases of insulin resistance, the insulin and glucose stages can each move up, that may result in the development of diabetes. Chronically increased insulin ranges can purpose weight problems and metabolic syndrome as properly, and could really save you you from losing weight.

In order to alter your insulin stages and boost the weight loss technique, you want to add a few protein and omega-three fatty acids in your eating regimen.

You have to additionally live away from sugar, get right magnesium to your blood, lessen your carb consumption and exercise frequently as well. Green tea has also been regarded to assist in opposition to high glucose and insulin tiers.

2. Leptin

Leptin is referred to as the “satiety hormone” and is produced by way of our fats cells. It enables the brain know whilst we’re complete and communicates without delay to the hypothalamus which regulates our urge for food.

Obese human beings nearly usually have excessive stages of this hormone. In this example, it doesn’t paintings as it need to due to the insulin resistance of the body, which makes it hard to prevent overeating and lose weight.

When the brain thinks you’re hungry, it makes you eat greater so as to produce greater leptin, that could result in irritation and severe health problems.

To regulate your leptin degrees, you have to forestall consuming seasoned-inflammatory foods and attention your diet on fish, sparkling fruit and veggies as nicely.

You ought to also get proper sleep overnight as it is able to lower your leptin levels. Alpha-lipoic acid and fish oil dietary supplements have also been recognised to assist decrease leptin stages in obese women.

3. Ghrelin

Ghrelin, additionally called the starvation hormone, is launched by the belly while we’re hungry and tells the hypothalamus that it’s time to consume. Its degrees are at their peak and their lowest degree about an hour after a meal, whilst in overweight human beings, the stages of ghrelin are low almost all of the time.

Ghrelin decreases barely after a meal in overweight human beings, that is why they could’t tell after they’re complete.

To reduce the degrees of this hormone and start losing weight, you must avoid consuming too much sugar and upload a few protein in all of your meals, particularly for breakfast and lunch.

4. Cortisol

Cortisol is called the strain hormone and is produced by way of the adrenal glands, small glands positioned on the top of the kidneys. This hormone enables us in annoying situations, but an excessive amount of of it is able to reason weight benefit and make you devour greater than the usual.

To reduce the ranges of cortisol and prevent a spread of health issues, you want to learn how to loosen up. It can be with the aid of listening to your favored tunes or trying yoga or some respiration techniques. Make certain to sleep nicely overnight as well, and eat a balanced and wholesome food regimen.

5. Estrogen

Estrogen is the maximum crucial female sex hormone this is produced by means of the ovaries. It helps the breasts in women increase at some point of puberty and is extraordinarily essential for his or her reproductive health.

However, an excessive amount of or too little of estrogen within the girl body can cause weight benefit, which additionally relies upon on their standard health, age and other hormone degrees.

During the reproductive stages of existence, estrogen permits ladies to store fat for power for the duration of pregnancy, but different factors can make it go loopy and help within the development of obesity.

When the ranges of this hormone drop too low at some stage in menopause, the fats cells start gathering in the hips and thighs rather than the stomach.

To adjust the stages of estrogen, you should exercise frequently and eat a fiber-wealthy food regimen. Flaxseeds are an wonderful source of fiber, and may be easily brought in your meals. Make sure to devour cruciferous greens greater often as properly, as they also can manage the estrogen ranges.

6. NPY (Neuropeptide Y)

This hormone is produced through our worried system and mind and has the role of stimulating our carb urge for food. It’s ranges height in cases of hunger and are also extended in instances of stress. In order to control the levels of NPY, make sure no longer to speedy for too long, and add a few soluble fiber and protein in your meals.

7. GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1)

The GLP-1 hormone is produced by using the gut every time vitamins enter the digestive tract. It maintains your glucose levels strong and facilitates you stay complete, which is why it’s ranges must continually be stored in take a look at.

To regulate the levels of GLP-1, you ought to consume probiotics extra often, and eat anti-inflammatory foods as properly. Make sure to feature a few protein and omega-three fatty acids on your eating regimen as nicely.

8. CCK (Cholecystokinin)

This hormone is produced by way of our intestine cells and has the position of controlling satiety. Higher tiers of the CCK hormone have been known to lessen hunger in overweight and obese humans.

To alter the stages of this hormone, you ought to add healthy fats on your weight loss program, in addition to protein and fiber in each meal.

9. PYY (Peptide YY)

The PPY hormone controls our appetite and is produced via the cells inside the decrease vicinity of the gut. Proper degrees of it drastically reduce the threat of obesity.

To control its manufacturing, you want to lower the amount of carbs for your weight loss plan and add a few fiber and protein on your meals.

All these hormones paintings in synergy if you want to manage our urge for food and prevent weight problems. Make certain to follow the aforementioned tips in order to prevent similarly health issues.

Here 2 Tablespoons Of This A Day Will Reduce Your Waist Size

From historic times so far, nature was the principle source of medication for all and sundry. It includes all the necessary vitamins and beneficial houses that human beings need to live to tell the tale.

Some human beings decide upon natural medicine because it’s far cheap, simple to prepare and it doesn’t harm our frame. Nature gives us so many possibilities to shed pounds and get healthy. Losing weight the use of herbal components, in addition to workout and proper nutrition, will not only reduce extra weight however also will improve our health.

In this newsletter, we will tell you about a natural drink that facilitates to cleanse the body of toxins and extra weight. People from all around the global have already brought this drink to their weight loss plan. If you want to know a way to make this drink, we’ll show you that right now.

Lemon and chia will help you to burn fat! Lemon and chia are super products for weight reduction. Chia seeds have a report range of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Citric acid stimulates digestion and the secretion of gastric juice. When you integrate these components right into a drink, you get an splendid result.


  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. Of chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp. Of honey
  • one glass of water

Preparation Method

Soak the chia seeds for 1 hour.

Add all the substances into a blender and blend them.

Our tasty and wholesome drink for fats burning is prepared!


In order to enhance your metabolism and slender down, you must eat this drink every morning.


  • breaks down frame fat
  • reduces the sensation of starvation
  • turns on metabolic techniques
  • removes pollution from the frame
  • It nourishes the body with nutrients that have an effect on the beauty of our hair, pores and skin, and nails.


  • prevent premature ageing of the frame.
  • Enhance our hair and nails.
  • Stabilize the blood sugar tiers.
  • Normalize hormonal stability.
  • Toughen the immune machine

Monday, December 23, 2019


Everyone wants to have a perfectly shaped body and proper weight, but this is not something that happens overnight. In order to maintain your weight and look great as well, you need to follow a healthy diet and start exercising regularly. However, you should know that there are many natural ingredients which can prevent the accumulation of fat in your tissues and accelerate your metabolism easily. Today we’re going to show you how to prepare a natural smoothie made of only 2 ingredients – chia seeds and lemon.

Health benefits of the lemon and chia smoothie

Lemon is a powerful weight loss ingredient that has almost no calories. It possesses powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties that can eliminate bacteria in your body and keep your system clean. It also contains a lot of fiber, which will improve your digestion and clean your intestines, effectively helping you lose weight. The chia seeds are also rich in fiber, and they contain antioxidants as well that can protect your body from free radical damage and clean toxins. Here’s how to prepare the smoothie:


  • 1 ½ glass of water
  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • Lemon juice (from one lemon)


Before starting, soak the chia seeds in a glass of water overnight, then strain and keep them in the morning. Now, about an hour later after straining them, mix the water, lemon juice and chia seeds in a blender, then pour the remedy in a glass and add some honey. Drink the smoothie fresh every morning on an empty stomach and the results will be noticeable soon!

Guaranteed Teeth Whitening In Less Than 2 Minutes!

Yellow teeth are a common issue, especially in people who consume excessive amounts of sugar, black tea, or coffee.

Individuals with yellow teeth, and most commonly smokers, avoid smiling and feel embarrassed by their teeth. Yet, the good news is that this problem can be easily solved. What’s more, you will not need to use the expensive commercial teeth whitening products, which are loaded with chemicals.

The following method of teeth whitening is extremely effective, cheap, and provides effects in only 2 minutes!

Coconut oil is known to be one of the most beneficial things one can use for boosting the overall health. This amazing product is also useful for skin care, and apparently, it provides amazing effects for the teeth as well! Coconut oil also promotes oral health, and keeps the gums and teeth healthy.

It can help you restore your shining, white smile in a couple of minutes!

All you need is coconut oil and baking soda.

Here is what to do:

Mix the coconut oil and the baking soda in equal amounts, and place the paste in a glass jar. You can keep the jar in the fridge, or in the bathroom.

You should use this remarkable natural paste instead of the toothpaste you regularly use, and the effects are noticeable after the first use!

Furthermore, if your lips are cracked, just rub a bit of coconut oil on them in order to hydrate them properly, and you will regain their original splendor in an instant!

Friday, December 20, 2019

8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying Out For Help

Your body is an incredible machine. We tend to have this belief that it’s up to someone else to prescribe us medications to make us healthy, but in reality, your body does most of the work. And if you’re listening, your body will tell you when things are going wrong. Here are some things to watch out for and what they might mean.

1. Craving sour foods.
Craving sour foods is pretty common when your body is going through hormonal changes, like when you’re pregnant. But it can also be an indication that your liver and gall bladder are having trouble keeping up with your body’s demand for them. It may be a good idea to see a doctor and get that checked out if you’re suddenly craving sour foods.

2. Oral bleeding.
Bleeding from the gums can be an indication that you’re just not taking care of your oral health all that well. If you floss after not flossing for a year, you might experience a small bit of bleeding. But bleeding gums can also be an indicator of a vitamin C deficiency. Before you reach for a supplement, consider getting it from natural sources, like fruits and vegetables.

3. Sleeplessness and cramping.
Everyone gets cramps and insomnia sometimes, but if it becomes a persisting issue, it could mean you’re having a little trouble with magnesium. Magnesium is an important nutrient for your brain, muscles, and heart health. If you’re experiencing this, visit a doctor and add foods like nuts, leafy greens, bananas, and fruits to your diet.

4. Craving seafood.
As we mentioned before, specific food cravings can be a normal part of the hormone changes that occur during pregnancy. Otherwise, craving seafood might indicate that you lack a variety of nutrients and minerals and you may not be getting enough protein.

If you’re vegetarian or vegan and find yourself craving meat, start a food journal and track your macronutrients. You might not be getting a balanced diet.

5. Craving sugar.
Chances are if you’re craving sugar, it means you’ve been eating too much sugar and junk food lately. Sugar is addictive, and junk food has pretty much no nutritional value; thus the name. If you’re craving sugar, combat it by eating a big salad. Give your body what it actually needs. It’s hard but you can retrain your tastes.

6. Craving sodium.
Salt is a necessary mineral for having a healthy body, so it’s okay to crave salt sometimes. Craving salty foods can also be a response to infection or inflammation somewhere in the body. Try to eat healthier salt, like Himalayan Pink Salt.

7. Brittle nails and hair.
Brittle hair and nails is a fairly common symptom of nutrient and vitamin deficiency. Low B vitamins and calcium can cause your hair and nails to crack and dry. Try eating more whole foods, like whole grain bread, legumes, potatoes, leafy greens, and almond milk.

8. Persisting dry patches of skin.
When you’re deficient in vitamin E, it shows in your skin. Your skin is your largest organ and needs to be taken care of well! Vitamin E keeps it healthy. When you’re deficient in vitamin E, it can manifest in cracked, dry, scaly, itchy skin. Try adding some E to your diet through fish oil, nuts, and other healthy oils.

7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Nails are probably the most ignorant part of our body. Women do take interest to make their nails good attractive, but not much initiative is taken to improve the health of nails.
A popular writer and author of Living Beauty (Fitzhenry and Whiteside) 2005, Lisa Petty quoted that nails are the one which endures the most in the situation where the body is not treated well. So, this Canadian writer, aging expert and nutritionist claim that nails are doorways to our body.The supplements which one consume are reached to the skin, hair and the end to nails. Thus, the nail can act as a mirror to the health issues in our body.

It is amazing that just looking at the nails we can actually detect the health issues the person is going through. The brittle, yellow or ridged fingernails actually indicate the nutritional deficiencies and health problems like anemia or thyroid disease.

The toenails and fingernails are made of keratin protein and are the exceptionally touchy piece in our body.The nails are shaped based on the combination of lymph vessels, grids, veins, and nerves. The shape of your nail depends on your genetic coding, whereas some of the qualities of nails are common to all. Like our nails are translucent and reflect the pink color of blood following through the tiny veins beneath it. It is nor fragile and feel smooth.

You have to aware that lack of nutrients can make your nails stained, plain ugly and hard. In order to save your nails and your body from health issues, you can just make small changes in your diet and start to take supplements to support them.

7 Regular Nail Conditions:

1. White Spots

The white spots on the nails due to insufficient zinc levels in the body. The natural source of zinc is pumpkin seed, peas, sesame seeds and red meat.

2. Soft Nails With Curl Upward

The soft nails with curl towards up direction are due to little iron in the body. The solution for this issue 325 mg of iron sulfate at least 3 times a day.

3. Yellow Nails

The yellow nails are the result of a deficiency of vitamin E in the body. The solution for this issue is very simple, you just have to start the supplement of vitamin E. The natural source of vitamin E consists of sweet potatoes, peanuts, hazelnuts, wheat germ oil and almonds which you can add in your daily diet.

4. Split or Brittle Nails

This condition of nails is due to lack of moisture and vitamin B in the body. To resolve this issue You can start the intake of gelatine, calcium supplements, and colloid minerals to get rid of this condition. For pregnant women biotin can be dangerous, thus one should not take this supplement without the instruction of a physician.

5. Vertical Ridges

The malnutrition or deficiency of vitamin and minerals are reflected through the vertical ridges. You can use almond oil and chamois buffer and polish your nails. Do this 2-3 times a day. Do not go for ridge fillers as it consists of synthetic chemicals in it.
6. Horizontal Dents or Ridges

The horizontal dents are actually a sign of nutritional deficiencies, high fever, psoriasis or can cause due to trauma after surgery. The supplements of protein and vitamin A are advised by Petty to cure this condition.

7. Fungus

The frequent exposure of nails to warmth and dampness leads to fungus issue in the fingernail. The greenish, yellow or messy look of nails indicates the fungal infection. You can use tea tree oil soak to get rid of the fungal infection in the nail.
At What Point You Should Be Concerned

Here are some health indication of nails which are serious and you should get a medical help for such conditions.

  • Blue nail beds indicate issues in blood flow
  • Fragile nails indicate hypo- or hyperthyroidism
  • Upward-bending nails lead to thyroid infection
  • Yellow nails represent the chronic bronchitis
  • White nail beds indicate liver infection
  • Red nail beds lead to coronary illness

In the above condition, you must go for a health check up and treat the issues on the immediate basis.

Japanese Water: The Key To Burn All The Fat From The Waist, Back And Thighs ! It Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger Too

The internet is flooded with countless diets, recipes and remedies for natural weight loss and we’ve probably tried a good number of them, some more effective others not so much. One such recipe stands out for its efficiency and fast results – ginger water.

Ginger water really guarantees results when it comes to losing weight. It helps you burn fat from the most stubborn places and shed pounds in no time. The hips and belly region, which is the most difficult to shape, will no longer be your problematic area.

Moreover, aside from helping you slim down, ginger water is incredibly healthy and will promote your overall health and protect you from a number of illnesses.

The drink works by accelerating your metabolism and assisting the body in the burning of fat. It will help you get fit in a short time without endangering your health, and is especially effective against the excess fat on the belly, underarms, hips and thighs, the so-called critical zones which require extra effort to melt.

However, the ginger water can boost your metabolism to work non-stop, which will effectively help you lose the extra pounds.

The benefits of the drink don’t stop there. Besides shedding excess pounds, here’s what the ginger water can help you with as well:

t steady afterwards. The drink will also prevent the formation of blood clots which have been known to be fatal.

Treats infections
For centuries, ginger has been used against a variety of infections including colds and the flu.

Anti-inflammatory agent
The drink has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which make it an ideal remedy against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout

Improves circulation
Ginger has the ability to boost your circulation mainly due to the presence of iron and zinc. Both minerals can improve your blood flow and prevent a variety of problems related to poor circulation.

Furthermore, the drink will prevent the accumulation in your arteries and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as the often-fatal atherosclerosis.

Improves your digestion and nutrient absorption
Drinking ginger water regularly will boost your digestion and nutrient absorption by stimulating the release of bile in your stomach.

If you don’t have appetite, we suggest chewing on a piece of ginger before your meals to get the digestive juices going.

Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for flu and colds during the winter for quite a long time. Drink ginger water regularly during the water to support your immune system and help fight these infections.

Treats digestive problems
By boosting your digestion, ginger water will also eliminate unpleasant digestive problems such as indigestion, bloating, acid reflux and constipation.

Supports your immune system
As we already said, ginger water will support your immune system and help your body in the fight against various infections. It can fight colds and the flu as we mentioned, but can also help in cases of more serious diseases and conditions.

Relieves joint pain
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, drinking ginger water regularly will prevent pain in your joints.

Here’s how to prepare this incredible drink:

  • 1.5 l. of water
  • A few thin ginger slices
  • A bit of lemon juice

Pour the water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. In the meantime, wash and peel the ginger, then cut it on slices. Add the slices in the boiling water and simmer on medium heat until they’re soft, then let the tea cool down, strain it, add some lemon juice and enjoy.

Here’s How Putting a Clothespin on Your Ear Can Relieve Tension All Over Your Body

Reflexology is an alternative treatment for alleviating pain from various ailments. It is based on performing massage by using the fingers by which we apply pressure to specific points in the feet, hands and ears. It is believed that each organ is related to a certain point in the hands, feet and ears, and by massaging these points you can relieve pains and aches.

This method stimulates the self-healing process of the body, and it is very similar to acupuncture, which is based on stimulating the vital energy (Qi). By the use of reflexology you can soothe headaches, back pain, stress and respiratory issues. You need to be aware that it cannot treat illnesses but only relieve pain.

In this article we shall concentrate on the reflexology performed on the ears, which is known as auricular reflexology.

Auricular Reflexology

The ear is consisted of 6 reflex zones which are connected to various body parts through the nervous system. By applying pressure on these points, you can manage to alleviate pain in specific body areas. Likewise, this method has been confirmed to be a great way in lowering stress.

You can perform a self reflexology by using a clothespin by applying pressure on different reflex points.

In the picture you will see the exact points which stimulate the specific body areas.

Reflex Ear Points

Heart and head
Ear reflexology can help you in relieving pain of the most important organs of the body like the heart and the head. The reflex point of the heart and head is the ear lobe, so if you experience light cardiovascular issues or headaches you can relieve them by pressing the ear globe with a clothespin.

Sinus and throat
The reflex point in the lower part of the ear is connected to the sinus and throat. Relieve your sore throat or sinus infection by placing a clothespin in this ear part.

Back and shoulders
You can relieve the pain in the back and the shoulders by pressing the upper part of the ear with a clothespin. In order to achieve this you need to hold the clothespin in this area for 60 seconds. For optimal results, repeat this procedure several times a day.

Internal organs
This ear point is related to all internal organs in the body. So, if you experience pain apply a slight pressure to relieve the pain. But, if the pain cannot be relieved, then make sure to pay a visit to your doctor.

By pressing the corner of the ear not only that you will manage to alleviate pain but as well as prevent it. The use of clothespin will help you in relieving abdominal pain or cramping.

If we helped you with this post, then please share it with your loved ones and friends.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Do you feel too ashamed because of cracks in your heels to remove your shoes in public? While we spend a lot of time looking after our face, we mostly ignore our feet. This lack of care and hygiene causes the cracking of your heels.

Dry / cracked feet are a sign of disregard for your body and one of most women’s worst nightmares. The skin on the feet tends to get drier because there are no oil glands. This dryness causes cracking of the skin. Lack of moisturization, overexposure to pollution, and certain medical conditions such as eczema, diabetes, thyroid, and psoriasis result in dry, cracked feet.

Say Stop To Your Cracked Heels Overnight With This Amazing Homemade Remedy! Cracked heels is a common issue for both men and women, more common in women.

This is because the greater part of us stay up on our feet all through the whole day. A survey result showed that 20% of the adults in the US have cracked skin on their feet. If you notice dry and flaking skin on your feet, along with deep cracks, then you may have cracked heels as well.

For the majority of the general population, having broken heels isn’t generally an issue. However, for some it causes big pain, depending of how deep are cracks. Also walking may become uncomfortable with pain. Here is amazing homemade remedy that will help you get rid of those cracks:

Step One – Warm water treatment.

You will need:

  • One Pumice stone
  • Two spoons of salt
  • Two spoons of baking soda
  • One Lukewarm water

Simply pour the water in tub and put the soda and the salt. Soak feet for fifteen minutes, and after pat them dry and rub with the pumice stone. That’s will remove the dead skin later.

Step Two – Scrub

You will need:

  •  1 Sugar
  •  2 spoons of oil

Add the sugar and the 2 spoons of oil into a bowl and rub your feet with the scrub you just prepared for five minutes. Then finally wash the feet with fresh water.

Step Three – Moisturizer

You will need:

  • Oil
  • Candle

In a bowl add the oil and the candle and pour in hot water. Then let it cool. After it does, use the foot cream you already prepared by applying it on your feet. Cover with socks afterwards.

It’s not serious for most people to have cracked heels. When you go barefoot, it can cause discomfort. Cracks in the heels can get very deep in some cases and cause pain.

Step Four – Banana

What to do ?

Mash into a smooth paste 2 ripe bananas. Make sure the bananas are mature. Unripe bananas contain skin harsh acid. Rub the paste gently across your feet, including the toe’s nail beds and sides. Keep twenty minutes on. Rinse your feet with clean water after 20 minutes.

How often :Repeat this every night before going to bed for 2 weeks or until the results satisfy you.

Why it works

Banana is a moisturizer of natural skin. It contains vitamins A, B6, and C, all of which help maintain and hydrate the skin’s elasticity.

Step Five -Vaseline and lemon juice

What to do

Soak your feet about 20 minutes in warm water. Rinse and dry pat. Add a tsp of Vaseline with 3–4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix well with each other. Use this mixture on your heels and other pieces of your feet that are cracked. Wear a couple of woolen socks and let them sit overnight. Wash in the morning with warm water.

How often: before going to bed regularly.

Why it work

Vaseline acts as a moisturizer, and lemon juice citric acid promotes skin peeling and new skin cells regeneration.

Step Six -Epsom salt

What to do

In a foot basin, add half a cup of Epsom salt to warm water. Remove well. For 15 minutes, soak your feet in it. Scrub to remove skin that is dead.

How often: two to three times a week.

Why it works

Epsom salt softens the skin and reduces inflammation. The sulfates help the cells to flush toxins and heavy metals, ease pain and help the body eliminate harmful substances.

Remember: Main factors that can cause cracked heels include:

  • Standing on your feet for long hours.
  • walking barefoot, or with open-back sandals
  • Hot showers, taking long
  • You use harsh soaps that can strip your skin of natural oils
  • Shoes that don’t fit your heels properly
  • Climate dry skin, such as cold temperatures or low humidity

If you don’t regularly moisturize your feet, they may dry out even more quickly.

Cracked heels Medical causes:

High blood sugar and low diabetes – related circulation are common causes of dry skin. You may not know that your feet are dry, cracked, and painful because of your nerve damage .

Other conditions that can lead to dry skin and heels that are cracked include:

  • Deficiency of vitamins
  • fungal infection
  • hypothyroidism
  • juvenile plantar dermatosis
  • pregnancy and obesity


Vaseline is a brand of petroleum jelly based products which includes skin creams, lotions, cleansers and deodorants. However, these products may also help in many other ways – you can use them for lip care, to soften the skin on your elbows and ankles and hydrate your cuticles.

Some women claim that rubbing Vaseline on your breasts will increase their size – it may sound unbelievable, but many women swear in this method, and there’s no harm in trying it.

All you have to do rub Vaseline on your breasts, then put a dab of toothpaste on the nipple. Repeat the process every night before going to bed and believe us that you’ll be amazed by the results. Besides this, Vaseline can also help you in the following cases:

1.It makes your eyelashes grow:  Lather Vaseline all over your eyelashes overnight and watchthem thicken, even without a prescription!

2. Soften dry and cracked elbows.

3. Dry cuticles: Store a mini-Vaseline container in your purse and use for emergency dry cuticle moments.

4. For kissable, luscious lips: Fall is a beast for drying out summery, dewy lips. Vaseline is there for you and your irresistible pout. You can also mix Vaseline with Kool-Aid powder and make a colored (and flavored) lip gloss.

5. Help your scent stick around: Softly rub Vaseline all over your perfume points (i.e. the cleavage, behind the ear, neck, and wrist) and your scent will last longer!

6. It is a misconception that Vaseline clogs pores, so smear it all over your face, neck and arms for softer skin.

7. Lipstick smudges: Spread a little Vaseline over your teeth and lipstick smudges be gone! This is an infamous tip used at beauty pageants.

8. To remove last night’s makeup: Apply some to a Q-tip and have a pretty day.

9. Perfect for an eye-shadow/blush boost: Apply some under your eye shadow for a glossy effect. Apply on the apples of your cheeks for a dewy glow. Mix with lipstick for a cream blusher!

10. It eases eyebrow plucking: Tame your eyebrows and lube up the under-skin so you can pluck with ease.

11. Prevent hair dye from seeping onto your forehead: Softly dab all over your hairline and keep that box hair dye from dying your forehead the color of your new hairdo.

12. To make your accessories look brand spankin’ new: New job interview or a hot date? Put a small dab on your shoes and shine away!

13. Hide Split Ends: Haven’t had a haircut since your budget only allows you go to Great Clips for a quickie? Hide damaged ends with a small amount on your ends.

14. Remove makeup stains for your clothes. Dab a little with a damp cloth.

15. To Prevent spray-tan streaks: Rub all over the backs of your knees, ankles and hands to prevent seriously frightening spray tan lines.

16. To get those O.P.I. nail polish bottles open: Make it easier next time and rub Vaseline under the cap. Easy to open the next time you decide to do an at-home pedi.

17. It’s your new exfoliating body wash: Mix with sea salt and come out of the shower feeling soft, and sexy.

18. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line.

19. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving.

20. Lubricates ear lobes and helps make earring insertion easy and painless.


In some places, towns essentially shut down in the afternoon while everyone goes home for a siesta. Unfortunately, in the U.S.—more bound to our corporate lifestyles than our health—a mid-day nap is seen as a luxury and, in some cases, a sign of pure laziness. But before you feel guilty about that weekend snooze or falling asleep during a movie, rest assured that napping is actually good for you and a completely natural phenomena in the circadian (sleep-wake cycle) rhythm.

As our day wears on, even when we get enough sleep at night, our focus and alertness degrade.

While this can be a minor inconvenience in modern times, it may have meant life or death for our ancestors.

Whether you are finishing up a project for work or hunting for your livelihood, a nap can rekindle your alertness and have your neurons back up and firing on high in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.

Big name (and high-dollar) companies recognize this. Google and Apple are just a few that allow employees to have nap time. Studies have affirmed that short naps can improve awareness and productivity.

Plus, who wouldn’t love a boss that lets you get a little shut-eye before the afternoon push?

A study from the University of Colorado Boulder found that children who missed their afternoon nap showed less joy and interest, more anxiety, and poorer problem solving skills than other children.

The same can be seen in adults that benefit from napping.

Researchers with Berkeley found an hour nap to dramatically increase learning ability and memory.

Naps sort of provide a reboot, where the short term memory is cleared out and our brain becomes refreshed with new defragged space.

Read: Sleep Removes Toxic Waste from the Brain

Experts say a 10 to 20 minute “power nap” is best for refreshing your mind and increasing energy and alertness.

The sleep isn’t as deep as longer naps, which allows you to get right back at your day upon waking.

A 30 minute nap can lead to 30 minutes of grogginess, as you are often waking just as your body enters the deeper stages of sleep.

You’ll experience some of that same fogginess if you sleep for an hour, but 60 minute naps are good for memory boosting.

The longest naps—around 90 minutes—are good for those people who just don’t get enough sleep at night. It’s a complete sleep cycle and can improve emotional memory and creativity.

Naps are good for you—physically and mentally. But don’t sacrifice night time zzz’s for an afternoon snooze; take your nap in addition to a good night’s sleep.

10 Signs Your Body Has Too Much Estrogen And How To Start Flushing it Out Immediately

We all know that estrogen is the primary sex hormone in females that’s in charge of the female reproductive system and some of the sex characteristics. That’s why it’s vital to keep this hormone’s levels in balance which is becoming more and more difficult as we’re constantly exposed to toxins that shift our hormones out of balance and cause all sorts of health problems.

If one’s estrogen levels get higher than normal, estrogen dominance appears. Estrogen dominance is a serious health problem which can lead to numerous health issues if not resolved in time. To be able to resolve it we first need to recognize the early symptoms and react in time to prevent further complications.

Below you’ll find the top 10 most common symptoms of estrogen dominance:

  • Severe PMS symptoms;
  • Low libido;
  • Hair loss;
  • Weaker metabolism;
  • Insomnia;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Weight gain;
  • Thyroid disorders;
  • Brain fog;

Irregular and heavy menstrual periods.
There are ways in which you can lower your estrogen levels and restore the hormonal balance in your body without taking hormonal drugs and therapy.

Avoid xenoestrogens exposure

Have you heard of xenoestrogens? They’re usually found in plastic bottles, Tupperware, non-organic dairy, BPA cans and tap water. They imitate the estrogen effects in our body and raise this hormone’s levels through the roof. If you want to prevent hormonal imbalance you should avoid using these products.

Eliminate toxins and chemicals

If your body flushes out all the toxins and chemicals effectively out of your system you will be able to avoid estrogen dominance. To do this you need to follow a healthy diet and improve your lymph flow. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and consume probiotics as they’re efficient in maintaining a proper balance in your estrogen levels.

Sauna is also an extremely efficient way to promote toxins elimination, while dry brushing can significantly improve your lymph flow.

Optimal liver health

If your liver doesn’t operate at its optimal level it won’t be able to flush out the chemicals and toxins out of your system. This will inevitably lead to hormonal imbalance and similar health issues. If your liver functions properly it will be able to weaken the excess estrogen levels in your body and flush it out through the urine.

To support your liver function you need to drink plenty of water and follow a healthy eating regimen. Foods like onions, garlic, cabbage, beets, broccoli, artichokes and leafy greens can significantly improve your liver function so you should consume them in abundance. Herbs like dandelion root, milk thistle and matcha also promote liver function, so consider introducing them to your diet as well. Limit the alcohol intake to a minimum and don’t overeat.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Obesity is one of the leading problems in the world that affects a considerably large portion of the population. Even though a lot of ways have been found and discovered to aid weight loss, there is a lot of work left in that area.

Losing fat from our stomach is probably the hardest, which is why it demands both diet and exercise. I know these things get pretty tough after a point, which is why I am here with something a little easier for you.


Cucumber is a delightful vegetable. It has innumerable health benefits and will help your weight loss journey enormously. All you have to do is cut and stick it in the blender to have a great juice that will go a long way as far is losing weight is concerned. If you want it to be tasty, a little ginger or a couple of drops of lemon juice will do it for you. Cucumbers are pretty easy on the pocket as well!

Lemon juice is a fantastic weight loss agent. It burns fat like nothing else. If you get some drops in about four times a day, say, in some warm water or some cucumber juice as I mentioned above, you will see results in no time. You will start losing inches almost immediately.

This drink will help you get rid of all the toxins in your body and when that happens, your metabolism rate improves greatly, which helps weight loss.

Ginger is a magic root. It helps in a number of health issues but it has been recently observed that it even helps melt stomach fat!

Do your digestive system a favour and start drinking some dandelion tea and when you do, say goodbye to extra water and bloating!

Green tea helps you fall asleep and when you get enough sleep, your body responds well to diet as well as exercise. Your metabolism rate will be greatly improved.

In addition to being very tasty, a glass of pineapple juice fills you up but is essentially completely fat free. Cold or warm, it is heavenly, no matter what.

Berries in general have a range of health benefits but strawberry in particular helps one protect themselves from an array of diseases and helps weight loss. Also, it is tasty and healthy.


Be it your skin or your metabolism- grapefruit will help with everything. The cinnamon will help you deal with melting fat and making the juice very flavourful!

All internal infections will be healed with some cider and vinegar say about three times a week. When you have a healthy body, you lose weight way faster!

Intake of these drinks would definitely help you lose fat. So, hit the kitchen, instead of hitting the bar.


One of the best exercises you can do to lose weight and get a perfect body is swimming. Anyone who has been swimming definitely knows that full-length swims are amazing muscular and cardiovascular workouts.

But, you can rapidly burn fat and get in shape with many other exercises you can do in the shallow end of your pool.

Beside your swimming ability, let’s take a look at a 15-minute workout that you can do that will help you lose weight and burn fat.

So let’s start our workout in the pool and get in shape.

Time: 2 Minutes

First, you need to start warming up your muscles. Take a couple of minutes to swing your arms back and forth while walking around in the shallow end of your pool. After this, you can begin with the exercises.

Time: 2 Minutes

Stay in the shallow end and start jogging in place, but you need to lift your knees high. The jogging brings your legs up and out of the water and then back in again. Do this exercise for 2 minutes.

Time: 2 Minutes

When you are done with your jog, quickly bring your feet together and start to jump from side to side in the shallow end of the pool. Continue doing this for 2 minutes.

Time: 2 Minutes

Don’t submerge your head in the water and squat down as low as you can while keeping your arms extended at shoulder height. Then jump as high as you can while lifting your arms over your head. Do these jumps for 2 minutes.

Time: 2 Minutes

Extend your arms and hold onto the edge of the pool in the shallow end while you are on your stomach. Start to kick your legs fast exactly as you did when you first learned how to swim. Focus to keep the same speed while kicking your legs for a full two minutes.

Time: 2 Minutes

Put your back at the side of the pool and outstretch your arms on the edge of the pool. Allow your legs to float and start to perform a pedal motion. It’s like riding a bike in the water. Focus to keep the same speed while biking in the water for 2 minutes.

Time: 2 Minutes

Change your bicycle position just in your legs by extending them in front of you with your feet together. Drag your knees into your chest and return them to the extended position. Do this for 2 minutes.

Time: 1 Minute

After you did your crunches, stand in the pool and allow your legs to move under you. Start to walk around slowly in the shallow end of your pool and cooling your muscles down in the process.

Extend Your Time

When you adjust your body to this workout, you’ll need to expand the time in 5-minute intervals doing these exercises just a little longer each time. You will improve your ability to do these exercises for longer periods of time and your body will get stronger.

If you are a good swimmer, consider doing these exercises with laps around the pool to improve your cardiovascular endurance, stretch and strengthen your muscles.

One of the best ways to exercise your body is swimming in a pool. When you work out in the pool the water provides natural resistance.

This 15-minute pool exercise routine will give you amazing exercises to strengthen and stretch your muscles so you can begin to lose extra pounds and get the swimsuit body that you have always imagined.