Wednesday, May 22, 2019

This is How To Apply Castor Oil To Grow Thick, Luscious, Enviable Hair!

Containing strong cosmetic, medical and cleansing properties, and known as one of the most beneficial natural oils Castor Oil is one of the most popular oils.

Extracted from the seeds of the Castor Plant the Castor Oil is also known as Ricinus communis.

If it is used orally it kills the parasites in the gut and relieves constipation. Mostly, it is used in beauty and health products, numerous medicines and of course in massage oils.

For many centuries, it is used as a natural hair product. It supports the health of the hair.  It nurtures it. It helps it regrow and it’s making it thick and shiny. It is easy to afford and it boosts the health of the hair, its repairing it and it is making it shine again.

Some of the benefits you can get from Castor Oil:

Regrows and Thickens Hair:

It enters the pores in the head and stimulates the hair growth, it increases the volume of it. Also it nourishes the hair follicles and it is loaded with a lot of omega 9 fats.

Mix lemon juice with Castor and Olive Oil, apply it on the scalp and leave it for 1 hour. Then wash it off with water, this will prevent from dandruff and it soothes the scalp.

Split ends:
To heal the split ends on your hair, directly apply Castor Oil on them and leave it to act for a few hours, then wash it off.

Long Lashes:
Get a Q-tip and before sleep, add some Castor Oil on the eyelids with it.

Castor Oil boosts the circulation scalp. It prevents from hair loss, stimulates the hair growth. It also contains a lot of antifungal and antibacterial properties.

This oil and its use will strengthen the hair and make it smooth. It will prevent from harmful effects that can be caused from chemical hair products. Also it will support the keratin in the hair.

Always use the cold-pressed version of this oil. This oil doesn’t contain hexane, even though it is hard to apply because of its thickness, here is how to use it:

Make a mixture of this oil with another oil in equal amounts. The other oil can be Jojoba, Argan or Coconut Oil. Place it in a small cup and then place the cup in a large bowl full of boiling water, that will melt the mixture and make it homogenous.

It is best to use it after a shower because the hair is still wet, then dip the fingertips in the oil and apply it directly in the scalp. You can also rub the oil on your palms and simply run the palms through your hair.

After you have applied it on your hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your hair in a hot towel. This will boost the process of absorption of the nutrients that the oil contains. Leave it for 1 hour.

You will be amazed by the effects after the use!


We are often unaware of the fact that our feet are extremely important for the entire body, as they support all movements and they work hard during all physical activities.

Therefore, to prevent hip, back, and knee pain, you should take proper care of your feet. The traditional Chinese medicine has been enjoying the benefits of acupressure for over 5,000 years.

The application of pressure on certain body areas soothes stress, treats various health issues, and stimulates the function of different organs.

The technique is similar to acupuncture, but instead of needles, these points are stimulated with the fingertips. The following 5 exercises will help you strengthen the feet, improve the body balance, and soothe pain:

1. Toe Presses

Before engaging in any form of physical exercise, the feet need to be properly warmed up.  Toe presses are an excellent way to warm the feet and promote relaxing moving.

All you have to do is to bend the knees while standing, grip the floor with the toes, and hold this position for three seconds.  Release and then do a set of ten repetitions, three times daily.

2. Toe Walking

Toe walking is extremely effective in strengthening the muscles in the toes and the ligaments and muscles found all around the balls of the feet.  Start by standing on the tiptoes and then walk forward for about twenty seconds. Rest for fifteen seconds and then repeat the exercise five times.

3. Ankle Circles

The flexibility and mobility of the ankles are of utmost importance! If they are tight and restricted, this may lead to muscle and joint pain as well as back and knee pain as the body needs to compensate for their weakness.

To perform this exercise, you need to put the back on the floor and then extend one leg of the head. Rotate the ankle clockwise for tens second and them rotate the same, extended leg`s ankle counterclockwise.  Switch legs and repeat the procedure.

4. Resisted Flexion

This exercise targets the small muscles in the foot which are otherwise difficult to engage.  Strengthening these tiny muscles help prevent energy and maintain balance.

Begin by sitting on the floor with the feet straightened out in front of your body. Wrap an exercise band around a chair and then put the band on your feet.  Slide back while sitting on the floor until you feel the tension in the band.  Bend the foot backwards and hold for five seconds.  Do 10 repetitions.

5. Toe Pencil Pickups

This exercise is very simple and all it requires is a pencil.  Stand in front of the pencil and grab it with your toes, raising it from the ground.  Hold for ten seconds, drop it, and do five repetitions with each foot.
These exercises will take about fifteen minutes of your time. For optimal results, do them in succession of each other every two to three days.

Drink Water: Lose Weight 10 Kg In 1 Month NO Diet NO Exercise 100% Works

How to lose weight? Oh come on! Every other person in the world seems to be on a quest for an answer to weight loss. Most people know that lifestyle changes can help them. But are we ready to accept these changes to lose weight? It requires great motivation to actually get there and get losing. Those who know the key might lack motivation, and there are those who are motivated and all charged up and looking out for a perfect plan to follow for weight loss.

Watch the video for tips on how to achieve your aim and start dieting today


The Best Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Naturally

The basic nutrient media of our body is blood. Blood comprises three types of cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.  Generally, we do not count platelets as true blood cells; these are a kind of protein that is essential for the normal functioning of the body.

The function of platelets is in blood coagulation and maintenance of its flow. Usually, the normal range of platelets in an adult is 150,000-450,000 per microliter of blood.

Platelet deficiency can cause several disorders, to avoid these diseases, It is essential to maintain a balanced number of thymocytes(scientific name of platelets) in blood.

In this article, I am going to discuss Best Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Naturally.

Following is the list of food that helps you to maintain the number of platelets in your blood;

Foods containing Folate:
Vitamin plays a vital role in our growth and other body functions. Insufficiency of vitaminB9 can affect cell growth and reproduction and it can also cause the shortage of platelets which further causes a lot of health disorders. Consumption of 400mg of Folate is essential for an adult each day. Beans, raisins, cereals, oranges, and spinach are a good source of Folate.

Pomegranate-a source of Platelets:
Iron is an essential mineral for defending deficiency of platelets. Pomegranate contains not only iron but also other minerals like antioxidants and vitamins. Thus helps to maintain the number of platelets in the blood.

Foods loaded with Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is considered important in the making of platelets. So it is better to take an adequate amount of vitamin A to avoid lack of platelets. Carrots and sweet potatoes are good sources of vitamin A.

Milk is a complete package of nutrient. Milk is rich in iron that works in collaboration with a blood protein called fibrinogen, combined complex of these macromolecules boosts platelets number in blood and enhance its coagulating properties.

Regular intake of fresh milk and other dairy products (cheese and yogurt) helps to maintain platelets number in blood.

Pumpkin is also very useful to enhance platelets level. It contains vitamin A that normalizes proteins and platelets level.

Papaya is the most imperative food that regulates platelet counts. Its leaves are also a great source of production of platelets. We can use its leaves in two ways; either make tea of leaves or grand them and take two spoons in a day.

Foods with Vitamin K:
Vitamin K makes proteins and is significantly supportive when platelets level crash. It also helps in coagulation of blood by activating proteins. Green vegetables and fruits contain vitamin k like spinach, lettuce, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and olive. Soybean and eggs are also a source of vitamin k.

Fish meat is well-off vitamin B-12 and zinc; both are excellent to regulate platelets. Fish oil is also a source to setback low platelets.

You can use these foods to sustain your platelet level in your blood.