Sunday, March 31, 2019

5 Ways To Use Vitamin E For Wrinkles

As time goes by our skin faces changes like loss of elasticity, firmness as well as moisture which contributes to the appearance of wrinkles caused by a number of factors besides the aging process the main one being the Sun of course.

Makeup and other chemicals we use every day stay on our skin and encourages the loss off college, therefore, in therefore wrinkles appear in a matter of time.

However there is always a way to at least slow down the wrinkling process and it is not a through all of these much commercialized ant-aging products or undergoing the trouble of plastic surgery with all of those face lifts and botox.

However all of these products can be replaced with some natural ones- like Vitamin E, lemons, egg whites as well as coconut oil and today we are going to focus on Vitamin E mostly.

Vitamin E can be used in a huge number of ways to slow down the aging process alone or combined and if you follow the one step at a time process described below you will see an amazing difference. Make sure to always clean your face as possible as It can before you do all of these steps.

1. Direct Application of Vitamin E Oil

– Squeeze the oil out of two capsules of Vitamin E oil
– Apply it to the affected areas with your fingers
– Massage the areas with round movements
– Go to sleep
– Wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning
– Do this every day

2. Vitamin E Oil and Aloe Vera

– Mix this oil with a teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel
– Using your fingers, yet again massage the affected areas
– Leave it on for 30 minutes
– Wash it off and dry your skin
– Do this every day

3. Vitamin E Oil, Honey, Yogurt and Lemon Juice
Honey moisturizes your skin and helps during the detox process. Yogurt is responsible for the amount of hydration and elasticity levels of your skin. And lemon juice reduces pores.

– Use 3 Vitamin E capsules
– Put ½ teaspoon honey, ½ teaspoon lemon juice, 2 teaspoons yogurt and vitamin E oil
– Mix them all together then put the mixture on your face with your fingers
– Let it on for at least 20 minutes
– Wash your face and dry it off
– Also do this every day

Olive oil provides hydration and nourishment of the skin and is rich with anti-oxidants which destroy the free radicals.

– Mix ¼ teaspoon of Vitamin E oil and ¼ teaspoon of olive oil
– Put this on your face before you go to sleep
– Massage for two or three minutes than go to bed
– Wash it off in the morning with cold water
– Do the procedure every day

Drinking this sort of smoothies will allow you to prevent wrinkles from appearing successfully and rapidly.

– Blend 1 cup of spinach, ½ banana (ripe), 2 tablespoons avocado and 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
– Put 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 cup almond milk.
– Blend again.
– Add ½ cup crushed ice and blend again
– Drink this smoothie every day

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Apply This Baking Soda And Apple Vinegar Mask for 5 Minutes Daily and Watch the Results: Your Stains and Acne Will Disappear as if by a Magic!

Whether we like to admit it or not, physical appearance does matter and it can be very important to some people.

Store shelves are full of beauty products, but unfortunately they are all abundant in chemicals that can do more damage than good.

Even though sometimes we can thank the genes for our good looks, It can all fade away If we don’t take proper care for our health and physical appearance. And even though acne, wrinkles, and age spots seem inevitable, there is something you can do about them.

But, it is important to keep in mind that natural treatments should be your top choice. Here is a natural homemade mask that will significantly improve your skin complexion. All you need is some aluminum-free baking soda and organic apple cider vinegar.


  • Baking soda
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Honey
  • ½ lemon, juiced

Start by adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to half a glass of water. Then, put the baking soda in a separate bowl, and slowly pour in the vinegary solution. Finally, add lemon juice and honey. Stir until well combined.

Before you apply it, clean your face and rinse it with warm water in order to open the pores. Then, pat dry with a 100% cotton cloth and apply the mask. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then rinse well. Rinse again with cold water to close the pores.

The results will be soon visible. Your skin will be radiant, fresh, and healthy.

Friday, March 29, 2019


Vitamins are crucial organic substances necessary for proper cells function. Most of the must be obtained through diet and lack of certain vitamins can cause serious consequences. Below you can see some symptoms of deficiencies of certain vitamin:

Cracks on lips symptom is common in vegetarians because of their diet. It is caused from lack of iron, zinc, and vitamin B. In order to resolve this problem, it is necessary to eat more legumes, peanuts, lentils, Swiss chard, poultry, eggs, tuna, salmon, and shellfish.  To improve iron absorption and helps your body fight with infections it is necessary Vitamin C, that means it is needed to eat more kale, cauliflower, broccoli and red peppers.

These are symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B7. To resolve problems needed to eat boiled eggs, salmon, avocado, walnuts, soybeans, mushrooms, raspberries, and bananas.

Lack of fatty acids and vitamins A and E indicates this kind of symptoms.

So you need to avoid saturated fat and trans fats such as margarine and should eat salmon, sardines, walnuts, hemp, almonds, and flaxseeds. Eat more vegetables like carrots, red peppers, and sweet potatoes to increase intake of vitamin A, which are rich in beta-carotene, a substance that body uses to obtain vitamins. With sunbathing 10 minutes daily you will be able to replenish vitamin D level.

Deficiency of vitamin B6, B9 and B12 is directly related to the peripheral nerves with numbness and tingling symptoms, and also as depression, anemia, and fatigue.

In order to resolve these problems, eat more spinach, asparagus, shellfish, crabs, eggs, and chicken.

These are signs of deficiency of calcium and potassium. If you have regular physical activity and you are sweating a lot you lose vitamins. You needed to eat more almonds, hazelnuts, bananas, cherries, grapefruit, apples, broccoli and dark leaves vegetables.

There you have it, folks. Now you know the reason behind these symptoms and how to get rid of it. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.



In Chinese medicine, it is popular to believe that everything is interconnected in the human body. The state of the internal organs is reflected on the face, you just need to be able to properly understand the signals your body gives.

If you have acne, inflammation, or skin spots in one area or another, this indicates some problems with your body. Let’s figure out what problems exactly. The face is the window of our health. The forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, ears – they all reflect what is happening inside of us.

Carefully look at this face map compiled by Chinese healers. It is very detailed and understandable so you can find out what health problems you can have. You will also know what to do in order to normalize the work of these or other internal organs and get rid of problems on the face:

#1. Nose: heart problems. Even the abundance of the notorious black dots signals that the everything is not good with your cardiovascular system. Watch your pressure, adjust the level of cholesterol, be physically active and regularly drink good green tea. You need to check blood pressure and cholesterol level in the body on a regular basis. Also, your body can be catastrophically lack of vitamin B. You need to eat plenty of meat foods and walks in the fresh air. Eating any foods high in vitamin B will normalize your heart system and will lower the level of cholesterol in your blood.

#2. Forehead: problems associated with the bladder and small intestine.Excessive amounts of fats and processed foods, as well as stress, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of sugar and alcohol, lead to slow digestion. You need to drink plenty of water, stop drinking alcohol, eat raw food, and sleep well for at least seven hours every day. Most likely, you are lost under the influence of constant stresses, excess of fats and sugar. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet.

#3. Area of the mouth and chin: hormonal problems. This zone is the main zone for hormonal changes and stress. The causal relationship between stress and hormonal changes is almost impossible to avoid, but it is possible to reduce the negative side effects. To do this, it is necessary to seep long and well, to drink large quantities of water, to eat fruit and vegetables and to maintain the skin in perfect purity. Most likely, your body suffers from excess salt, dehydration and slow metabolism. You should reduce the amount of caffeine and spices. Learn the techniques of meditation and learn the principles of aromatherapy.

#4. Area between eyebrows: problems with the liver. Acne in this place can arise because of excess toxins, excessive use of drugs or meat, and various allergies. You will be helped by starting keeping a healthy diet and exercise in the fresh air on a regular basis.

#5. Eyebrow arch: kidneys problems. If there are pimples in these areas, and, in addition, you have dark circles under the eyes, you lack water in the body, as a result of which the kidneys do not function well. Of course, the daily intake of large quantities of water can solve the problem. Inflammations in this area suggest that you need to sleep better, and also give up smoking and alcohol. Get a habit of drinking more pure water and eating berries.

#6. Neck and jaw: stomach problems. The appearance of pimples in these places indicates that you may have problems with the digestive system. To change the situation for the better, the ancient Chinese, of course, advised to change the diet. Namely, to eat the foods, which naturally increase the metabolic rate in the body. So, you need to eat less fatty foods and to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

7. Cheeks: kidneys and lungs problems. Perhaps you breathe polluted air, smoke a lot, abuse sweets or suffer from allergies. Limit cigarettes and fast food consumption and be sure to spend more time outdoors breathing fresh, preferably forest air. Reduce the consumption of sugar and foods containing sugar, as well as meat, alcohol, dairy products and caffeine. In other words, there should be fewer foods containing acidic medium, and more alkaline foods.

#8. Lower cheeks: lungs problems. Acne in this area of the face may indicate that you are allergic to some foods or you have a lung infection with tobacco products. If none of these reasons are actual, then try not to overheat the body for a long time on the beach or in a hot sauna.

Please share this with your friends and family and let us know what you think in the comments below.



One of the most difficult things to do for your body is definitely removing fat from the belly area and losing weight. We just have to know what the proper way for the elimination of these fats is. In this article, we’re going to present you a very powerful drink that will make your metabolism work faster, detoxify your body and lose weight.


  • Ginger
  • Grapefruit
  • Water
  • Cinnamon

The combination of ingredients is perfect. You’ll manage to burn fat quickly and efficiently. Grapefruit is considered to be an extremely powerful fruit that can help you burn fats and eliminate toxins quickly and effectively. Your metabolism will work much faster.

Drink it before you go to bed so that it can work while you rest. Our metabolic rate increases while we sleep and the process of burning calories becomes optimized automatically.

Take a look at the recipe and the process of preparation of this fabulous drink:


  • 2 grapefruits
  • ½ a cup of warm water
  • A spoonful of ginger juice
  • ½ a teaspoon of cinnamon


All of the ingredients should be combined well.

This drink should be taken before bedtime for 12 days so that you can make your metabolism work faster.

Make a 3 days break before you can use it again. Then, start using it for 12 more days. This is an extremely powerful natural treatment that will fill you up with energy, detoxify your body, make your metabolism work faster and you’ll have an optimal health! The best thing is that you’ll decrease the amount of fats in your belly area and you’ll even manage to lose weight! Enjoy the benefits!


Are you looking for hair growth serum? You don't need to look for it now because it's here for your best hair growth. Formulated with natural oils, with this hair growth serum can target right up to your hair roots so that it can thicken and nourish your hair.



  • 3 tbsp castor oil
  • 2 tbsp jojoba oil
  • 4 tbsp almond oil
  • 2 tbsp pomegranate seed oil
  • 2 tbsp peppermint oil
  • 1 tbsp tea tree oil
  • 3 tbsp olive oil


  • In a bottle or glass jar, add all oils.
  • Shake gently to mix all oils and store in a cool, dark place.


  1. Apply a small amount to the scalp and massage gently in slow circular motions.
  2. Work the serum throughout entire head focusing on scalps and ends.
  3. Leave on for at least 30 minutes or overnight.
  4. Serum can also be applied on damp hair and covered with a warm, wet towel. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse out.
  5. Use 2-3 times a week for best results.

All oils are hydrating and encourage hair growth, treat scalp conditions, and prevent and treat split ends.
Thanks for this recipe.


Thursday, March 28, 2019

10 Mascara Hacks For Amazing Eyelashes (Beauty Eyelashes)

We’re always looking for ways to get our eyelashes dreamy and lush. The easiest way is to use a lengthening and thickening mascara. Mascara is a staple in everyone’s makeup bag. It is the most important step that many of us never skip. There are some mascara hacks and tricks that enhance your eyelashes even more.

Here are 10 mascara hacks that you need to know:

1. Curl your eyelashes before mascara. It’s a tool specifically designed to curl and lift your eyelashes. Try the professionals recommended Kevyn Aucoin Eyelash Curler or the Surratt Relevee Lash Curler. Clamp your eyelashes in the curler and hold it for a few seconds.

2. Use powder for volumizing your eyelashes. Dust your eyelashes with baby powder or any makeup setting powder in between coats to build volume. Apply a coat of mascara then take an eyeshadow brush or a cotton q tip, dip it in powder and apply it while your eyelashes are still wet with mascara. Finish off with a coat of mascara to set the powder.

3. Heat your eyelash curler to keep your eyelashes curled for longer. Simply, take your eyelash curler and keep it in front of the hair dryer for a few seconds. Now curl your lashes and apply mascara for a long-lasting curl and volume.

4. When you apply mascara, instead of moving the wand up and down on your eyelashes, keep your wand still and blink your eyes. This will give help the mascara evenly cover the eyelashes and give that extra lift to your eyelashes.

5. If you ever run out of your eyeliner or couldn’t find it, use your mascara as an eyeliner. Take an eyeliner brush or any flat angled brush, swipe it on the mascara wand and apply your eyeliner like you normally do.

6. If your mascara has dried or turned clumpy, add a few drops of eye drops or contact solution in the mascara tube. You could also soak the tube of a clumpy mascara in hot water to warm up the formula.

7. When using fake eyelashes, apply a thin coat of mascara before applying the falsies. Apply your fake eyelashes, let it dry and apply mascara towards the ends only. This will blend the real eyelashes with the fake ones

8. Many mascara brands claim that they contain synthetic fibers for volume. You can do the same by picking tiny fibers from a cotton ball and applying it in between mascara coats. Take a spooly brush and rub it on a cotton ball to pick up tiny cotton strands. Apply it on your eyelashes and coat with mascara.

9. If you have a favorite mascara wand and run out of that mascara. you can wash and save that wand to apply other mascaras.

10. No time to cover those gray hairs? Simply cover them with a mascara that matches your natural hair color.


Try This :10 Tips to Shrink Large Pores

Your pores are always there sitting on your skin. However, when they get too large, they may become too noticeable and can even cause oil, dirt, and other impurities to accumulate and get clogged. So the question is, how can you shrink your large pores?

Fortunately, you can do so by simply following these 10 effective tips:

1. Use an exfoliant, either physical such as a facial scrub or chemical such as an alcohol-free glycolic serum regularly. Exfoliants will help remove any dry surface cells to prevent the openings of your pores from getting too deep.

2. Vacuum-clean your skin by using a mask or a charcoal face wash. Since charcoal is known for its ability to bind with grime then extract it from your pores, it can be a quite effective method for keeping your pore size small.

3. Tighten your pores by using skin products that contain ingredients such as yeast extract which is known for strengthening pore walls, causing them to decrease their diameter.

4. Apply sunscreen on the regular basis. Excessive exposure to sunlight will break down your skin’s collagen which causes your skin to stretch, which in turn will lead to larger pores after repeated exposure. By applying a sunscreen lotion with at least SPF 30 every morning, you can prevent enlarged pores from occurring in the first place.

5. Apply retinol-based products such as the Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum on your skin as they decrease the cohesiveness of your epidermal cells, thus removing all of the debris that got stuck in your pores.

6. Make sure to keep your face clean at all times. It simply means cleansing it at least twice a day using a pH-balanced cleanser.

7. A paste made of 2 tbsp lemon juice and a few cold cucumber slices can reduce the number of large pores and even improve your skin complexion. Simply apply the mixture on your face then leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

8. Tighten any open pores by blending a few watermelon cubes with 2 tbsp honey. Refrigerate for an hour then apply the cold pack all over your face. Since watermelon contains a lot of vitamins and minerals along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can effectively reduce enlarged pores and even lighten your skin complexion.

9. If you work out, wipe your face with towelettes moistened with salicylic acid and gentle cleansers to prevent sweat from clogging your pores. It’d be a wise idea to keep a pair in your gym bag for added convenience.

10. Use a few cold tomato slices then gently rub them into your face for around 3-4 minutes at least once a day. Doing so will protect your skin from sun damage which can lead to enlarged pores due to its lycopene content which is a natural antioxidant. It also has a small amount of salicylic acid which can dry up any excess oil, thus preventing and even eradicating blackheads and acne.


How To Do Body Sugaring At Home – The Ancient, All Natural Hair Removal Technique

Long before disposable razors, waxing kits, and laser treatments, men and women removed unwanted body hair using a simple process known as sugaring.

The ancient art of body sugaring is a method that was widely practiced in the Middle East and North Africa as far back as 1900 BC. It is said that Cleopatra and friends employed body sugaring to keep skin smooth and hairless.

Although there’s no shortage of hair removal options in modern times, body sugaring is making a bit of a comeback. And it’s not hard to see why: body sugaring is safe, all-natural, effective, inexpensive, and less wasteful than other treatments in today’s age.

What is Body Sugaring?
Body sugar is a mixture of three super simple ingredients: white sugar, lemon juice, and water. When heated up together, they create a thick, malleable paste with a honey-like consistency that can be spread on the skin and “flicked” to remove hair.

To apply, spread body sugar in the opposite direction of hair growth. The paste is very pliable and can be thinned and smoothed along the skin surface. Keep the paste in one piece and let it sit on the skin for a few seconds. To remove hair, pull the sugar paste off in the same direction of hair growth by quickly tearing it off the skin in one smooth movement. It takes a little practice to get the proper flick, but it’s easy to do once you get the hang of it.

7 Benefits of Body Sugaring
Body sugaring has plenty of advantages over contemporary hair removal treatments:

1. No Harsh Chemicals
Safe enough to eat, body sugar paste is free of chemical agents and is made with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.

Waxing products, on the other hand, contain resins, chemicals, preservatives, and dyes that are irritating to the skin. Some ingredients to look out for in waxing kits are petroleum-based mineral oils, synthetic resins like glyceryl hydrogenated rosinate, and preservatives like propylparaben.

Likewise, depilation agents, such as hair removal creams, are made with inorganic chemicals like calcium hydroxide, barium sulfide, and calcium thioglycolate that break down proteins in the hair follicle to dissolve them.

2. Won’t Irritate Your Skin
Repetitive shaving can leave nicks and cuts in its wake, and extra sensitive areas may be prone to red spots and bumps. Waxing, too, can make the skin red, sore, and inflamed since it can pull live skin cells off along with the hair.

Body sugaring is incredibly gentle and is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive skin. The paste is hypoallergenic and adheres only to hair and dead skin cells – and never live skin. When it is flicked away, it won’t leave behind red patches or painful bumps. And because it takes dead skin away too, it has the added benefit of mild exfoliation.

3. Less Painful
Any time hair is plucked from the flesh, you will feel something. But because body sugaring doesn’t tear at living skin cells, it is far less painful than waxing treatments.

4. Long Lasting
The results of body sugaring are long lasting, with the time frame between treatments being about six weeks. This is because the sugar paste permeates deeply into the hair follicle, all the way down to the roots. When flicked away, it takes the entire hair strand from bulb to shaft.

Hair only needs to be ? of an inch long for it to work. When the hair regrows, it will come back finer, lighter, and sparser. And if you do body sugaring regularly, it can lead to permanently hair-free legs, lips, armpits, and bikini lines.

5. Zero Waste
When it comes to hair removal, disposable razors generate a staggering amount of waste: these small plastic gadgets are too small and too difficult to disassemble for recycling and so they are heaped at the garbage dump at a rate of 2 billion per year in the US alone.

Not requiring any special tools or equipment, body sugaring is a true zero waste operation. It doesn’t need strips or popsicle sticks or any other parts to do its job, and when you are finished using your sugar ball, it can be tossed in the compost heap.

6. Reduced Risk of Ingrown Hairs
Ingrown hairs occur when the hair follicle breaks beneath the skin surface, curling back or growing sideways into the skin. More prevalent in people with curly or coarse hair, ingrown hairs result in painful, inflamed red bumps that are typically caused by shaving or waxing too frequently.

Body sugaring reduces the risk of ingrown hairs because hair is removed in the direction of hair growth, which helps keep the hair follicle intact to minimize breakage.

For added protection against ingrown hairs, it’s important to exfoliate the skin before applying the sugar paste. Try one of these homemade scrubs to remove dead skin. After you’ve performed the body sugaring treatment, apply moisturizer liberally to all your freshly hairless spots.

7. Easy Clean Up
After receiving a waxing treatment, oil-based substances – like petroleum jelly – are used to break down the leftover resins to be wiped away.

Body sugaring paste, however, is water soluble and requires only a simple rinse with plain water.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Coconut oil and Baking soda For a Complete Face Cleaning Like You Never Had Before

Many women across the globe are obsesses with Face Cleaning and Skincare. The first thing we notice and see at a person is the face, and taking care of it is very important and it says a lot about a person’s personality.

Not giving the attention that it requires, our face can become very sensitive to a lot of factors, like sun exposure, climate change or a dirty environment, these factors can have a great influence in that case.

Not taking care of our facial skin, and not feeding it with the nutrients and properties that it requires, it can cause wrinkles or even signs of premature aging.

Which is one of the main reasons why women use thousands of day and night cremes, or go on many different treatments, just to achieve the care that it requires.

But very few of them really know what the various commercial products contain, they are not aware that 90% of the products are full of chemicals and they need to be avoided.

The right solution is to go on a fully natural treatment, that will be capable to revitalize your facial skin in a short period of time, and also nourish the skin and provide amazing natural benefits. Also the side effects of the chemicals that can occur, to be avoided.

In this article we will help you elaborate the mixture for facial skin care, it is totally natural and it is made of products that you already might have at home.

Quickly revitalize your face and nourish it, with just 2 natural products. Look young and beautiful again.

The recipe we are about to give you, is actually a cleansing mask, it contains 2 simple natural products: coconut oil and sodium bicarbonate.

The cleansing mask is easy to prepare, it provides amazing effects and it doesn’t contain any dangerous chemicals like the other products. It can be used for all types of skin, including smooth skin too. Feel free to use it, and don’t fear of side effects, there aren’t any.

This cleansing mask can treat, acne, dirt, scars, fat, wrinkles, redness and dead skin.

The bicarbonate is inside due to the ability to restore the needed level of pH, in other words, to speed up the healing, and the coconut oil is in there due to its healing properties and because it can moisturize the skin.

These two mixed up together, make a perfect combo for facial skin care. And for the record, adding extra virgin oil can provide even more positive effects. To know how to apply it you need to know your skin type.

If you have sensitive skin, you want to apply a ratio of coconut oil and bicarbonate to 2:1, and if you want to get a deep exfoliating treatment, just use the 1:1 ratio.

The preparation method requires you to mix the 2 ingredients well, and if you cannot mix them or it is hard, just add a little bit of hot water. The mixture is used as a mask, gently rub the areas you want with it, let it stay for a couple of minutes on your face and then wash it with lukewarm water.

This recipe is very simple, and we hope it will provide the effects you desired for, share it with your friends and family, enjoy!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

6 Reasons Why Banana Peels Are Great For Your Skin

When it comes to fruits and vegetables we often think the only nutritious part is the actual fruit, but that’s not the case at all!

Of course, you are going to get more nutrition and benefits from the actual fruit or vegetable that lies under the peel, but there are actually tons of different ways you can utilize the peels too! Bananas, for example, are fantastic for our health. They are loaded down with potassium, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. But a banana peel is capable of a lot more than tripping the villain behind you. They’re excellent for our skin.

Banana peels can actually be used in a lot of different ways! Many different ancient cultures have been known to utilize the banana peel in their daily beauty regimen. The peel is fantastic for your skin because the nutrients and antioxidants can significantly reduce skin inflammation. They can be used to treat skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.

1.Prevent Wrinkles
Banana peels are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that can combat free radicals and prevent cell damage. Healthier skin cells equal healthier skin, thus you have fewer wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. Rub the inner portion of the peel gently on your skin. Leave it for an hour and then wash your face off with warm water.

2.It Treats Acne
Acne is something that has all struggled with a time or two at least. You know those days where you have something important like a date, and you wake up only to find a huge whitehead right on your forehead. Instead of mashing and popping them and risking infection, rub the banana peel over the affected areas. Its anti-inflammatory properties can get rid of it in a night!

3.It Moisturizes Skin
Banana peels are full of moisture and potassium, which is amazing for your skin. If you have recently suffered from dry skin and irritation, banana peels are going to solve it all. It’s the same rodeo, just rub the banana peel gently over your face.

4.It Eases Puffy Eyes
Puffy eyes can be caused by many different things such as allergies, fluid retention, or sleep deprivation. The high amount of potassium can relieve the puffiness in your eyes and they can also get rid of dark under eye circles! Instead of using cucumber slices, just place a piece of banana peel over both eyes! Leave for thirty minutes to an hour and rinse with warm water.

5.Protects Skin from UV Rays
Banana peels are very high in vitamin C, an essential vitamin for your skin health. It prevents cellular damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It can be used as a great natural sunscreen alternative, especially because so many sunscreens have been linked to cancer.

6.Get Rid of Warts
No matter how many times you lance it or pick it off it will always come back. Sound familiar? Well, banana peels can also get rid of warts and growths. Rub the peel on your wart and place a band-aid over it. Leave for thirty minutes then wash with warm water.

A Woman Put Baking Soda Under Her Eyes and The Result was Incredible

Yes, baking soda can and is used for all kinds of things. Lots of people even add it to their baths to help with inflammation.

It is safe to use for just about anything and generally has no side effects. While you’ve probably heard of using it as deodorant, toothpaste, anti-inflammatory bath ingredient, and the many uses for it when cleaning it is not likely you have heard about this use. I use baking soda on my face!

You see, it is amazing when it comes to removing blackheads, acne, and reducing the look of scars. It tones the skin and works as an antiseptic opening up the pores in your face. This will help them to not get clogged up with oils as bad. Here’s how to use baking soda as a face mask.

Baking Soda Face Mask


  • 2 tablespoons of cold water
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda


Mix these things together and then rub the mixture onto your face.
Make sure you rub it in really well and allow it to sit for 20 minutes.
Once this has been done rinse it off with warm water.
If you have dry skin you may need to only leave the mask on for ten minutes as it will remove excess oils.
This mask made my acne disappear with ease and also helped me get rid of those unsightly dark under eye bags. Give it a try and see how it works for you! Baking soda really is a lifesaver! For more on the benefits and uses of baking soda please take the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading this article, you are beauty.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

If you need 5 foods That Make You age Slower

Our diet has a huge impact on our physical and mental functions, and it might offer the explanation you are seeking for your quick weight gain, memory fog, bad mood, and even the accelerates rate of aging.

We cannot prevent the natural process of aging, but there are certain things that can help you age slower.

The food we consume affects the rate at which your metabolism works, and while proteins boost it, complex and refined carbs significantly slow it. A slow metabolism increases the risk of various health conditions, linked to an impaired inflammatory response, and an accelerated aging process.

According to Timothy Harlan, MD, assistant professor at Tulane University School of Medicine:

“Poor-quality foods, like trans fats, cause inflammation – and aging is basically a chronic inflammatory state. Can you look older because you’re eating like crap? Absolutely.”

Moreover, Dr.Axe explains:

“Inflammation is the body’s natural immune response to anything it recognizes as a threat, and the reaction is meant to protect your health. Without a certain degree of inflammation, your health would be at risk from invading bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Some foods, such as refined carbohydrates, sugary foods, and red meat, can cause inflammation in your body, so eliminating or reducing them in your diet can keep you healthier and reduce the signs of aging.

Slowing down the aging process and delaying the onset of age-related conditions may be possible by blocking pathways that lead to inflammation. “

First of all, you need to avoid the following:

  • Deep-fried foods
  • Processed meats, which are abundant in saturated fat and nitrates that speed up inflammation and aging
  • Too much alcohol
  • Fatty meats, which are rich in saturated facts
  • Doughnuts and pastries, as they are full of fat and sugar

Additionally, “attempts to combat or reduce the effects of aging have dated as far back as mankind itself. Most people want to look and feel young, driving experts to invest many hours and thousands of dollars into finding silver bullet anti-aging formulas.

While there isn’t a special formula that magically erases the wrinkles away, incorporating certain anti-aging foods into your diet is the best way to help bring you closer to that goal.

These delicious and nutritious foods will help slow the effects of aging in every part of your body — from your skin to your brain, heart, and joints. Well, the top anti-aging foods are also some of the most prominent high-antioxidant foods and anti-inflammatory foods around too.”

Now, here are the five foods that will help you slow down the aging process:


They are rich in beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant that protects the body cells and DNA from free radicals, that cause aging.  They also contain the nutrient falcarinol, which has anti-cancer properties. To reap these benefits, consume them raw and whole.


Salmon is a rich source of healthy fatty acids, which ward off age-related cognitive decline, as well as potassium, that prevents the development of heart disease. The high selenium content regulates the hormones, improves thyroid health, and keeps the metabolism revved up.

Citrus fruits

All citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, mandarins, and tangerines, are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, anti-aging carotenoids, and flavonoids, and successfully prevent age-related cognitive decline, cancer, and heart disease.

Soy products

Products derived from soy like tofu and edamame prevent cellular aging. Edamame is rich in isoflavones, a class of phytochemicals with powerful anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Tofu is abundant in protein, essential amino acids, and minerals like zinc, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous.

Beans and lentils

They are rich in fiber and protein, so they regulate blood sugar keep you full and build muscle while burning fat. Beans are low on the glycemic scale, so they do not slow metabolism not cause inflammation in the body. You should increase the intake of black, kidney, navy, pinto, garbanzo (chickpeas) and dried peas.

Healthy foods effectively reduce the physical and mental effects of aging. Therefore, make sure your diet is rich in them, and you will remain healthy, and age slowly and beautifully.

How to use Coconut oil for skin and hair,Beauty (20 uses coconut oil)

You have surely heard of or already tried some of the amazing benefits offered by coconut oil.  This oil is one of the healthiest ones on the planet, with more than 1,500 studies proving it.

“Coconut oil, like other plant-based oils, does not contain cholesterol. Loaded with beneficial fats, the vast majority (more than 85 percent) of the fats in coconut oil are medium-chain triglycerides.

These medium chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) found in coconuts has tremendous health benefits; they are easy to for the body to burn as fuel for energy (and are featured in the popular ketogenic diet) and have antimicrobial properties, in addition to other important traits.

Coconut oil contains three unique fatty acids that are responsible for its various health benefits:

  • Lauric acid
  • Capric acid
  • Caprylic acid

These are some of the rarest substances found in nature and the reason why this oil is so beneficial.”

It can be used in hundreds of ways in our everyday life and is an exceptionally healthy byproduct of mature coconuts. Here are only some of the numerous uses of this incredibly healthy oil:


-- Fever reduction or painkiller- It is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, so it lowers fever and relieves pain

-- Improves thyroid health- Its healthy fats improve the function of the thyroid and lower glucose levels, while the lauric acid boosts HDL (“good cholesterol”) in the body

-- Fight inflammation- It has potent anti-inflammatory effects that you can easily reap by consuming or applying it topically.

-- Bone health- consume it to boost bone health or massage the painful joints to soothe the pain

-- Treat hangovers- Its healthy saturated fats treat dehydration and the pain-inducing effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

Pregnancy and motherhood

-- Breast health: Apply it on the nipples to prevent cracking and soothe the irritated skin during breastfeeding.

-- Stretch marks: Apply it on the stretch marks twice daily both, pre- and post-pregnancy.

-- Baby skin protection: It soothes the delicate baby skin, and relieves diaper rashes and irritations.


-- Frying and baking- use coconut oil instead of other oils to enrich the flavor of food and preserve the healing properties despite the heat

-- Homemade mayonnaise- Use it to prepare your homemade mayo, that will taste great and lower bad cholesterol levels

-- Prolong egg shelf life- Being a powerful antibacterial, if you apply a thin layer of it to eggshells, it can increase their shelf life.

-- A healthy, energy-laden smoothie- Add it to smoothies use its energy-producing properties.


-- Anti-dandruff- apply it to the roots of the hair and the dry scalp to prevent and treat dandruff.

-- Hair- repair shampoo- Rub it into the hair roots, and disperse some through the hair to repair the damaged hairs. Rinse after half an hour.

-- Lip balm- It relieves chapped lips, provides nutrients for the skin of the lips, and leaves them soft

-- Eye cream- Apply it around the eyes at bedtime to reduce wrinkles.

-- Anti-dermatitis solution- Its regular use soothes atopic dermatitis and its symptoms, such as dry, itchy, and oozing skin patches.

-- A body scrub- Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a tablespoon of ground coffee, and use the mixture as a body scrub.

General daily uses

-- Sharpening blades- use it to maintain the sharpness of the kitchen blades while protecting them from rust.

--  Shining leather- Distribute small amounts of this oil onto your leather shoes, purses, bags, and gloves, and you will restore their gloss.

--  Furniture shining- Apply a bit of it on a cloth and wipe the surfaces of your furniture to polish the cracking and dried wooden furnishings.

-- Flame ignitor- Soak a cotton ball in it and drop it into some wood or charcoal

--  Lubricator- Apply a bit of it to a stuck zipper on a jacket, purse or bag, and you will easily solve the problem.

A single item with so many different uses in your household- isn’t it amazing?

Moreover, Dr.Axe advises:

“Refined or processed coconut oil can be bleached, overheated past the preferred melt point and chemically processed to increase its shelf life. Processing the oil changes the chemical makeup, and the fats are no longer good for you, so avoid hydrogenated oils whenever possible. So, instead, buy extra virgin coconut oil for the greatest coconut oil benefits.

There are several production types of coconut oil, including wet milled, virgin, and refined. Opt for virgin, wet milled, unrefined, organic coconut oil to ensure you’re getting pure coconut oil. Refined versions, like with other foods, are not as beneficial and lose key nutrients.”

30-Day Squat Challenge That Can Help You Get the Butt of Your Dreams

In the modern era, women are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of their looks, and they all tend to get the body of their dreams.  Yet, the regular visits to the gym often seek too much time and money, and our hectic lifestyles keep us busy most of the time.

Yet, there is still a way to tone your body and get into perfect shape in the commodity of your home!

Squats are among the best exercises to boost the strength of your body and tone it and tighten the butt, thighs, and legs. They will also get rid of cellulite, boost blood circulation, improve stamina, and enhance your flexibility.

According to Urban Fitness Solutions:

“Squats are a functional exercise -- ones that help your body perform real-life activities -- and are one of the best and most natural ways of toning your body. Contrary to what some may think, squats aren’t just for body builders or weight lifters; they’re for everyone wanting to tone up at any age.

When you bend to tie your shoelaces or to pick up something from the floor, you are actually squatting. It’s a natural form of exercise.

The only difference between those actions and squatting workouts is that while doing squat exercises, you deliberately maintain a correct posture to gain some intended benefit. Squat exercises can be done with or without weights. Either way, you’ll benefit.”

Therefore, the following 30-day squat challenge can do wonders for you, and after a month, your body will be unrecognizable!

30 Days Squat Challenge

Day 1: 50 squats

Day 2: 55  squats

Day 3: 60 squats

Day 4:  Rest Day

Day 5: 70 squats

Day 6: 75 squats

Day 7: 80 squats

Day 8: Rest Day

Day 9: 100 squats

Day 10: 105  squats

Day 11: 110  squats

Day 12: Rest Day

Day 13: 130  squats

Day 14: 135 squats

Day 15: 140 squats

Day 16: Rest Day

Day 17: 150 squats

Day 18: 155 squats

Day 19: 160 squats

Day 20: Rest Day

Day 21: 180 squats

Day 22: 185 squats

Day 23: 190 squats

Day 24: Rest day

Day 25: 220 squats

Day 26: 225 squats

Day 27: 230 squats

Day 28: Rest Day

Day 29: 240 squats

Day 30: 250 squats

You can make a few days break, and repeat the cycle once more.  If you do not skip a day and do the squats correctly, you will finally get the body of your dreams!

Moreover, you will become stronger, healthier, and flexible, your balance and coordination will improve, you will lose excess weight, build muscles, strengthen the core, and tone the butt and legs.

What’s best, you will feel like a new person!

3 Ingredient Smoothie Recipe to Prevent Chronic Knee and Joint Pain (Recipe and preparation)

Knees make an important part of your skeletal structure and physical strength. They support your body and yes, your knees are the reason you walk. Knee pain is triggered by an array of underlying causes. It may be even your shoes that give you trouble.

If you like walking around in flip-flops, your tendons are probably sore or tight. In this case, get proper rest and do some quality stretching. Do not blame it on weather or exercising, it is just your flip-flops. Eventually, the pain may rise high up to your hips and spine.

Walking barefoot is great for you, and you are definitely getting it wrong by comparing it to walking with your favorite flip-flops.
The pain in your knees strikes out of nowhere, and the pressure on your tendons and ligaments only makes it worse.

Knee pain is common in obese people. It is the way human body responds to excess pounds and a red light that something is wrong with your organism.

And there are all the injuries that require special treatment and even surgery. We give you a natural recipe that will help you prevent sudden and severe pain in your knees.

Each of the ingredients you need is packed with strong anti-inflammatory properties which is amazing for your tendons and ligaments.
They are high in magnesium, silicon, vitamin C, and bromelain. This tasty drink will give you all the energy and strength you need to ‘survive’ throughout the day.

Moreover, the healing smoothie contains your favorite fruit, and that is a sure bet!


  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup water (250ml)
  • 2 cup pineapple chunks
  • 40g raw honey
  • 40g almonds, crushed
  • 7g cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup fresh orange juice


  1. Cook your oatmeal as usual. Just boil it for several minutes, that is all.
  2. Add a cup of fresh orange juice to the oatmeal.
  3. Blend almonds, honey, pineapple chunks and cinnamon together.
  4. Add your oatmeal mixture to the blender.
  5. Blend until the ingredients are well combined.
  6. Dump in a few ice cubes and enjoy your pain-relieving smoothie!

You can just blend all the ingredients together, but cooked oatmeal gives your smoothie a better consistency.
It is up to you to decide what works best for you. Thanks for reading this, try this recipe if you have joint pain trouble.


Saturday, March 23, 2019


No doubt, baking soda is widely used in household cleaning, as it is very effective for cleaning and eliminating odors.

But, baking soda not only serves to keep our home clean and with a pleasant smell, but also for the care of hair and skin, among others.baking-soda

Today in this article we will show you 7 wonderful uses of baking soda which can make you beautiful and attractive like never before:


You just need to mix a little baking soda with some water until you get the consistency of a paste. You should apply it on the skin with gentle circular movements for 40 seconds and rinse with cold water.

2.Provides shine to the hair.

This is due to the fact that sodium bicarbonate acts on the hair fibers strengthening the hair. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda for every 4 liters of water and every time you wash your hairrinse it with this water.

3.Natural deodorant

Make a light paste with a little baking soda and water. You should apply it directly on the armpits giving gentle massages with circular movements.

4.It eliminates the bad odor of the footwear.

Sodium bicarbonate has properties that effectively neutralize odors. You should only place 1 tablespoon of baking soda inside the shoe, spread it very well, let it act for 40 minutes and then remove it.

5.Whiten your teeth

You need to make a paste with baking soda, salt and water. You should brush your teeth using this mixture, rinse very well with water and brush again but with the common toothpaste to remove the remains of baking soda.

6.Lighten the clothes

Mix baking soda, white vinegar and water in equal parts. Then pour the mixture into a deep bowl and place the clothes so that it is completely covered by the mixture. Leave to act for 3 hours and wash as usual.

7. Protect from the sun.

You just need to make a mixture with a little baking soda and water until you get a smooth consistency. You should apply on the skin giving gentle massages and remove with warm water.

How to Remove age spots, freckles, wrinkles, excess face fat and lighten your skin

The chemical facial treatments and products women often use are full of harmful chemicals which won’t do your skin any good.

However, you should know that skin problems such as acne, freckles or wrinkles are treatable with the help of a simple natural remedy that will get rid of them for good. The homemade mask is made of oatmeal and lemon juice and will do wonders for your skin!

Dark spots are a big aesthetic problem and may appear anywhere on your body, including your face. Sun exposure, environmental factors, hormonal imbalance and an unhealthy lifestyle can aggravate the problem and make them appear bigger and darker, which isn’t especially pleasing. Luckily, the remedy we have for you today will resolve them and other skin problems quickly and easily.

Oats and lemon mask for a clearer skin

Oatmeal is not only good for your digestive system – it can help you resolve skin problems as well. Oats can enter your skin deeply and clean your pores, absorbing all the dirt and debris in your face. On the other hand, lemon juice is a great bleaching agent which will reduce the appearance of your freckles and dark spots, while eliminating the excess oil from your skin. Lemons have astringent properties and are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant which can reduce the appearance of your wrinkles and stimulate collagen production, which will result in smoother and stronger skin. Here’s how to prepare the remedy:


Ground oats

Lemon juice


Mix the ingredients until you get a homogenous mixture, then clean your face well before applying the mask. Leave it to work for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and you will notice the results after only one treatment! Repeat the process every day until all your freckles, wrinkles and dark spots are gone.

You Need To Eat This If You Have Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well

It may interest you to know that adrenal gland issues can affect the health of your hair, nails and even your sleep quality. Your adrenal glands are located on the top part of your kidneys and they are endocrine glands. These glands are responsible for the release of several hormones, such as steroids and adrenaline.

The importance of these hormones cannot be overemphasized, as they help to regulate your blood pressure, boost your immunity and your rate of metabolism.

Your body is better equipped to handle stress with these hormones released in your body, so any obstruction to the function of the adrenal glands can lead to a myriad of health problems.

You can get your adrenal gland up and running again with a homemade natural recipe involving the use of Brazilian walnuts.

Here’s what you require and how this remedy is prepared:

  • Pure natural honey
  • Parsley leaves (Dried)
  • Ginger (Ground)
  • Brazilian walnuts
  • Raisins


The first thing you need to do is to incorporate the dried parsley leaves and Brazilian walnuts into a blender and blend them.
Next, add your raisins, ground ginger and pure honey.
Blend the entire ingredients until you have a homogeneous mixture.

How to use
Consume two tablespoons of this homemade, natural adrenal gland boosting remedy early in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach.
You should take this dosage twice or thrice in an entire week. By so doing, you will give your adrenal gland a boost and you will immediately see and feel changes in your body. Your quality of sleep will improve, your hair will look healthy and it’s natural lustre would be obvious for all to see and your nails will not break off at the slightest aggravation. They will be healthy and very strong.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. You can really help someone. G T M -Team

Friday, March 22, 2019

How to make lemon and baking soda mask – TR this Home Remedy

If you spend most of the day outside under the sun and dust then you will definitely need facial mask to make your face clean. There are many type of scrub, mask available in the market but to make it with natural herbs at home is very effective and free from side effects. To make face cleanse once or twice is very important for a girls to make their skin glow and beautiful. Therefore, in this article I’m going to share with you the recipe of how to make lemon and baking soda mask. As you know lemon contains a variety of benefits for skin and health as well. So, must try this amazing mask at home because it is as easy as it sounds and effective as well.

You will need following things to make lemon and baking soda mask:

  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Two teaspoons of baking soda
  • How to make lemon and baking soda mask:
  • First of all, mix both the ingredients properly.
  • Keeps it mixing until you get a runny yellow pale paste.
  • Now, apply it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Apply it twice a week for quick results.

If you want to make it with honey then, you will need following things to make lemon baking soda mask with honey:

  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Two teaspoon of baking soda
  • Two teaspoon of honey

How to make lemon baking soda mask with honey:

  • Take one tablespoon of lemon juice add, two teaspoon of baking soda in it.
  • Mix both the ingredients properly till you get a yellow color paste.
  • Now, add two teaspoon of honey in it.
  • Again mix it properly.
  • Apply it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Do it twice a week.

Difference between lemon baking soda mask with and without honey:
The mask with honey is highly recommended for the girls having dry skin whereas without honey is best for oily skin ton. The benefits for both are same. Therefore, it is your choice to add honey or not. If you have dry skin then it is good to add honey in it because honey will make your face moisturize and free from dryness and if you have oily skin then don’t add honey in it because it will make your skin even more oily.

If you want to make your skin shine and glow then must try it. If you want quick results then you can apply it twice or thrice a week. You can also make it and refrigerate it and whenever you want to use it then take it out from the refrigerator and apply it. It is very easy and to make. Therefore, must try it at home. If you want to know about more beneficial masks for face then stay connected with our website.

You Need To Eat This Foods will completely change skin make glow

Skin is the most significant organ of the body that always remains exposed to the outer external environment. This external world is actually quite hostile for the skin. Skins always keeps absorbing UV radiations, smog, pollutants, and heat as well these factors reduce radiance of skin and make it look dull.

In this article, I am going to discuss with you the list of food for making skin glow and fair you do not need to concern any expensive dermatologist when you can get your glow back with natural remedies in an affordable cost.

Catalog of foods useful for skin:
In general, it is said that fruit and vegetables are good for health but they also play an important role to reduce the aging factor of the skin and change skin make glow. Following are the fruits and vegetables proved to have a role in skin health.

  • Pomegranate
  • Pumpkin
  • Tomatoes
  • Walnuts
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber
  • Carrot
  • Avocados
  • Kiwi
  • Bell peppers

Pomegranate is delicious as well as a superb food for the skin. Pomegranate is rich in vitamins that work as antioxidant agents and make skin smooth without any sort of fine lines. Pomegranate can be eaten as it is or you can have pomegranate juice with green vegetables that are extremely delicious and great for the skin.

Pumpkins are full of vitamins (A&E), fibers, potassium, minerals, and anti-oxidants. These are good for eyes, digestive system and skin as well. Antioxidants reduce the level of melanin in the skin and brighten it.

Tomatoes are a great source of Lycopene. Lycopene is a bio-active compound that protects the skin from harsh radiations from the sun. It makes your skin young and smooth. In tomato, lycopene is present in the inactivated form. To activate it, you need to cook tomato a bit, whether bake it or roast a little it’s enough to activate lycopene.

Walnuts are all in one solution for skin problems. Its oils is an effective moisturizer, the dry fruit itself is an amazing anti-aging agent. It’s easy to make anti-aging taco yourself just add up essential compounds with walnut make an easy anti-aging cream at home.

Kale is a king of anti-oxidants and queen of skin care. Mix up kale with a spoon of lemon juice and make your skin glow within few minutes. It makes skin healthy, young and smooth and yes its great tool to decrease pigmentation of the skin.

Avocados are a great natural source to make your skin fair and glow.  For better results, mix avocados with orange juice and garlic juice. It’s a super tasty salad and a treasure of nutrients for your skin.

Kiwi contains a high concentration of Vitamin E.  This vitamin is a great skin moisturizer. Kiwi is a great source of dietary fibers. You can also eat kiwi with strawberry to enhance taste and skin health as well.

This is a precise list of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices that are great for your skin.

This Homemade onion juice for long silky hair in just 2 Week

You can get long silky hair in just 14 days with the help of this amazing homemade onion juice. It is very easy to make. You should try it at home.


  • Onion juice
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil


  • You need to take 4 tablespoons of onion juice.
  • Add one tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Add one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients well.
  • Apply it on your hair roots properly.
  • Keep it for 2hours then, wash it with shampoo.

Thank you for visiting and reading this article good luck. I hope you are always given health and happiness.

This The Top 5 best egg face masks for healthy skin at home

As you know, our skin needs proper care and healthy diet to remain fresh and glowing for a lifetime so, you should try to avoid all oily stuff if you want beautiful and fair skin. Egg is very good for your skin and hair as well. You may know about many hair egg masks that will help you to increase the growth of your hair but do you know about egg face mask? If no, then this article is very informative for you because today I’m going to share with you the amazing top 5 egg face masks for healthy skin at home in just 5 minutes using all ingredients that are easy available in your kitchen. So, have a look below.

Face mask using egg white:

  • First of all wash your face and do cleansing.
  • Now, take out one egg from the fright and separate the egg white.
  • With the help of cotton, apply egg white on your full face.
  • Keep it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it out with normal water.

This mask is best for skin tightening.

Egg yolk face mask for dry skin:

  • Take egg yolk and add one tablespoon of honey in it.
  • Mix both the ingredients properly.
  • Apply it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it out with water.
  • Use it daily for glowing and fresh skin.

This face mask is best moisturizer for the dry skin.

Egg face mask for acne:

  • Take egg white and add fuller earth ( multanimetti)
  • Mix them both together until you get a fine paste.
  • Apply it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it out with water.
  • Use it daily for glowing and fresh skin

This face mask is best for removing acne scars permanently.

Carrots and egg white face mask:

  • First of all take some carrots and grind it.
  • Then, add some milk into the carrot to make a paste.
  • Now, add this carrot paste into the egg white.
  • Mix them well and apply on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with warm water.
  • Use it daily for better results.

This face mask is best solution for anti-aging for all type of skin.

Egg white, gram flour and lemon face mask:

  • Take one tablespoon of gram flour in a bowl.
  • Add few drops of lemon and include one egg white.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly.
  • Apply it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it out with water.
  • Use it daily for glowing and fresh skin

This face mask is only for oily skin and its help to make you rid from pimples.

Diet Drinks, Stroke and Dementia: How These Drinks Are Destroying Your Brain

Since the early days of Tab cola, discerning people have cast aspersions on the benefits of choosing diet sodas to improve health. Now, time and science may have proven these concerned individuals correct. A recent study implies a connection between regular ingestion of diet colas with increased risks for dementia and stroke.
Considering that strokes occur every 40 seconds in the U.S., the lack of previous studies on the health risks of aspartame should spur further investigation. However, the correlation between diet cola intake, dementia and stroke hasn’t gained much scientific attention to date. Perhaps someday soon, medical professionals will ask patients about their diet soda consumption as regularly as they inquire about cigarette smoking and alcohol use.

Diet Drinks and Dementia: What the Boston University Study Found

The study conducted by scientists at the Boston University School of Medicine followed over 4,000 adults across a multiyear period. During this time, study participants reported their dietary intake over the past 12 months at specified intervals. The study excluded individuals under the age of 45 with neurological disease when evaluating stroke risk and also omitted those under age 60 for purposes of assessing the chances of developing dementia.

Researchers made allowances for competing lifestyle choices, such as overall caloric intake and tobacco use frequency. They also adjusted statistics accordingly for factors such as age, gender and socioeconomic status. They utilized the Dietary Guidelines Adherence Index when making these adjustments.

Even when factors like smoking and lack of physical exercise were taken into account, scientists found that participants who consumed at little as one diet cola daily tripled their stroke risk with almost the same rate of increase in dementia risk. Their findings validate the suspicions of those who have long provided anecdotal evidence of a link between aspartame consumption and increased chances of developing diseases as diverse as IBS and certain forms of cancer.

To date, few other studies examine the long-term health effects of aspartame consumption. However, the original producer of aspartame, Monsanto, doesn’t have the best track record of valuing public health above corporate profits.

Indeed, Monsanto produced sufficient evidence back in 1981 to convince the European Scientific Committee on Food the sweetener was safe to consume. However, the measures many European countries have now passed banning genetically modified foods makes some people wonder if aspartame would pass muster today.

Are All Artificial Sweeteners Bad?
The Boston University study centered on diet colas containing aspartame, but could other artificial sweeteners prove equally troublesome? Leading scientists disagree, but if history serves as any precedent, quite possibly.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered the first artificial sweetener, saccharine, way back in 1879. Despite a strong start as a sweetening agent in canned foods, officials banned saccharine as a food additive by 1912. The ban hardly dented public demand for delectable sweet treats that didn’t lead to a need to invest in larger pants sizes.

Aspartame remained unknown before 1965, but given the flower-power generations obsession with wafer-thin physiques like Twiggy’s, it received FDA approval just in time for the eating disorder-plagued society of the 1980s. Even though governmental entities began receiving complaints about possible side effects of aspartame-containing products just three years later, officials dismissed such reports as posing only mild symptoms. After all, everyone grows nauseous and dizzy occasionally, so why did all fingers point toward a can of diet pop?

Today, artificial sweeteners like sucralose, found in some diet soft drinks as an alternative fake sugar agent, and xylitol, found in sugarless gum, share shelf space with aspartame products. Consumers have reported gastrointestinal distress from the consumption of sucralose and xylitol, but science to date has yet to disprove or support such allegations. Other artificial sweeteners have raised additional consumer concerns.

How Can Exposed Individuals Reverse the Damage?
Fortunately, many individuals in danger of developing stroke or dementia can slash their risks by implementing simple lifestyle changes. In fact, up to 35 percent of dementia cases can be delayed or even avoided altogether. One such change must involve reducing or eliminating diet soft drinks. Since scant evidence, if any, confirms that some artificial sweeteners are safe, people should cut out artificially sweetened beverages entirely to reduce risk.

Does that mean consumers should switch to the original sugary soda concoctions? Decidedly not. Research indicates that children who drink even one pop per day stand a 55 percent greater chance of becoming obese.

Nearly 40 percent of American adults suffer from obesity, which greatly increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, gout, stroke and heart disease. Sadly, overweight kids often become obese adults.

In addition to eliminating soft drinks, individuals can decrease their stroke risk by maintaining a healthy body weight, reducing or eliminating meat, especially red meat, from their diets and engaging in moderate physical exercise most days of the week.

Luckily, even though many people fear inheriting dementia from their parents, medical science indicates that the majority of patients did not inherit the disease. However, those whose parents developed the condition earlier than age 60 should take extra precautions to cut their risks.

Choosing Healthier Beverages
Given the way mainstream markets clog shelf space with a mix of sugary and diet beverages, how can consumers choose safer thirst-quenchers? Sticking with water seems an obvious move, but most everyone craves a bit of flavor variety.

Many natural herbal teas, such as chamomile, have a mildly sweet flavor. Those craving an extra sweetness boost can add a dollop of pure honey. Honey serves as a natural anti-microbial and anti-fungal agent and gently soothes inflamed throat tissue when colds strike.

Linden flowers add a light, citrus-like sweetness to beverages when used in moderation. Linden flower also promotes restful sleep, so consider sipping on a cuppa before bedtime.

When baking sugar-free cookies and cakes, many reach for Stevia, although the chemical processing the leaves undergo cast doubt on how natural and safe the extract really is. However, carrots and beets make for excellent sugar substitutes and also add moistness to such treats.

Ditching Diet Drinks for Good
Many people can’t imagine making it through the day without a soda or two. However, the caffeine boosts these drinks provide hardly supersede the increased risk of developing dementia or suffering strokes. For optimal health, stick to water and herbal teas and take a walk around the block when craving a natural energy boost.

Thanks for after reading this.
