Tuesday, October 8, 2019


As we age, our hair stops growing like before and may also start graying. Hair loss and gray hair are one of the most common problems in today’s society. It can affect anyone regardless of gender, and is not something you can easily treat. Although hair loss is common for older people, sometimes even younger persons can be affected, which can really hurt their self-esteem.

In order to treat hair loss, people usually use commercial products or pay thousands of dollars on ineffective treatments that can sometimes do more harm than good. The commercial hair loss products are rarely effective and contain harmful chemicals which can worsen the problem. Luckily, nature can help against hair loss – there are many plants and roots that can boost the growth of your hair, while also restoring your hair’s natural color. Here’s one recipe that contains only 3 natural ingredients and can resolve your problems in just a short time:


1 tablespoon of olive oil

1 teaspoon of honey

A small piece of ginger root

5-7 vitamin E capsules


Grate the ginger first, then add it in a blender along with the other ingredients and mix until you get a homogenous mixture. Apply the remedy on your scalp and massage for a bit, then put a shower cap on and leave it to work for 40 minutes. Repeat the process regularly, and the remedy will boost your hair growth and restore the color of your hair in no time. It’s vital not to stop the process – just repeat it day by day and you will soon see the incredible results!

DIY Eyelash Growth Serum For Gorgeous Thick Lashes

Everyone wants thick, luscious lashes. Instead of spending a fortune on lengthy cosmetic implants and commercial serums, there’s a natural and inexpensive way to get the lashes of your dreams.

The key to accelerating lash growth is castor oil. Castor oil is full of nourishing fatty acids like ricinoleic acid that moisturize and protect your lashes.

Like the hair on your head, your eyelashes can get dried out when overworked (with makeup and cleansers). Damaged eyelashes can fall out and thin over time. Lavender and rosemary essential oils are known for their abilities to stimulate hair growth and are calming and soothing oils that are perfect for dry or sensitive skin. If you are ready to start growing thick lashes, let’s get mixing.


  • Organic Castor Oil
  • Rosemary Essential Oil (cedarwood is a good alternative if you prefer)
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 oz Glass Dropper Bottle

Fill the glass dropper bottle 3/4 of the way with castor oil.

Place 2 drops of rosemary and lavender oil into the bottle. Place the top on and give it a gentle shake.

To use: apply a thin layer nightly before bed.

Castor oil will not irritate your skin or eyes, but be sure not to get any of the oils into your eyes –apply the serum in very thin layers. If you do happen to get a bit in your eyes, do not wash to try to remove the diluted essential oils from your lashes with water. Instead, use another oil like sweet almond or coconut, to gently remove the excess oils from your lashes, then wash with warm water.

The serum is shelf stable for 6 months. You should begin to see growth results in one to three months. However, you will immediately notice how soft your lashes are immediately after use.


Many women would like to have Breasts Growth but are uncomfortable with the idea of undergoing cosmetic surgery. Luckily, there are some options that could help to increase breast size naturally, with no implants required. Mother Nature has provided humans with a wealth of plant life that can improve health as well as provide many other benefits. Here are some examples of plants people can use to try and increase the size of their breasts.

Saw Palmetto
This plant is found in the Southeastern U.S. And was popular as both food and medicine with Native Americans. This herb is known to balance hormones and block some enzymes in the body. Breast enlargement is a side effect of these processes. With regular use, many women will experience larger and firmer breasts. The results are typically noticeable within two months of beginning use. The recommended dosage is approximately 160 mg per day.


Supplements designed to increase breast size almost always use fennel as the active ingredient, or as one of the main herbal ingredients. It can be used in two different ways. Fennel leaves can be used to brew a flavorful tea that can be consumed daily, or the herb can be added to moisturizing creams and applied directly to the breasts. Fennel works to enlarge breasts by helping the body to increase estrogen production.

Red Clover
This common plant is found across the U.S. And the U.K. Supplements made from this plant can help to increase breast size. It is beneficial because it contains four separate phytoestrogens that can act as estrogen in the body. The specific phytoestrogens found in red clover bind to estradiol receptors that are responsible for the development of breast tissue.

Wild Yam

This one plant not only can help to enlarge breasts and improve breast health, it may actually help to increase the libido in women too. Users can increase fullness in the breasts by mixing powdered, concentrated wild yam with any lotion and applying it to their breasts daily.

Black Cohosh

This herb is known for its ability to help women with menopausal symptoms and for increasing estrogen levels. The extra estrogen activity can increase breast size. It can also induce labor, so it should never be used by pregnant women. Black cohosh is typically sold in a liquid extract that can be massaged directly into the skin.


Most commonly known as an ingredient in beer, hops are another phytoestrogen. This easy to find plant contains what is considered to be one of the most potent of the phytoestrogens available. It also contains and anti-androgen which may reduce the levels of male hormones in women.
Women who want to use these products to enlarge their breasts can either purchase or grow the plants on their own or purchase herbal supplements in pill, liquid or powder form. If using a prepared supplement, always make certain that the product is 100 percent genuine and not primarily fillers. Diluted, inexpensive supplements will not have the correct concentration needed to provide the desired benefit.

In addition, women with known plant allergies may be unable to use these products. If an allergic reaction occurs, or there are side effects like abdominal distress when taken internally or a skin rash after applying topically, discontinue use immediately. Anyone currently on a prescribed medication should discuss the use of these plants with their doctor first to make certain there is no risk of interaction. It is generally safe to use more than one plant at a time to speed up results.
